
Afghanistan: US service members killed in suicide bombing; “we will hunt you down” – Biden

Wednesday, September 08 – Coverage Concludes...

Breaking: Taliban formally announce new Government. Akhundzada to be interim PM.

Breaking: Taliban fire warning shots to disperse protesters.

Update: Pakistan has denied all allegations.

Update: Protesters allege Pakistan Air Force bombed Panjsher Valley to support the Taliban offensive.

Update: Protests against Pakistan and Taliban held in Kabul. “Death to Pakistan” chanted by protesters.

Update: Resistance leader Ahmad Massoud has accused Pakistan of providing aerial support to the Taliban.

Update: Four US citizens leave Afghanistan by road in first evacuation since August 31.

Update: Afghan Resistance leader Ahmad Massoud calls for an uprising at the national level. Members of his family have also been killed by the Taliban after they attacked the valley.

Update: The Taliban raised their flag in the Resistance stronghold of the Panjsher Valley

Update: Resistance rejects all Taliban claims but leaders have reportedly relocated.

Update: Panjsher Valley completely “cleared” – Taliban

Update: Internet and electricity services to resume in Panjsher after Taliban claim victory.

Update: Taliban yet again claim victory in Panjsher.

Update: Kabul airport reopened for domestic flights.

Update: Northern resistance rejects Taliban claims of victory.

Update: Taliban crackdown on women protests in Herat and Kabul.

Update: Taliban delay government announcement.

Update: Europe won’t recognize the Taliban government.

Update: Suicide bomber behind last Thursday’s terrorist attack was freed by the Taliban from a prison when they were busy overthrowing the Afghan government.

Update: Taliban call Chinese “main partner.”

Update: Skirmishes have been reported in the Panjsher Valley where the Taliban have launched an offensive to quash the resistance forces led by Ahmad Massoud.

Update: Taliban to announce government shortly. All “ministerial” candidates have been picked.

Update: Taliban ask Panjsher Valley residents to convince resistance forces to surrender after talks fail.

Update: Afghanistan’s new government will be announced in under two days – Taliban

Update: At least 7 Taliban fighters have been killed in the Panjsher Valley in a skirmish against the northern forces.

Update: A San Diego family is still stuck in Afghanistan

Opinion: How do we know the Afghans coming are not a threat?

Update: Biden addresses the nation.

Update: Ahmad Massoud, leader of the northern resistance says he does not recognize the Taliban government and will fight till the end to repel Taliban aggression.

Taliban fighters have the Panjsher Valley surrounded from all sides and reports suggest of skirmishes occurring between the two groups.

The Taliban, according to some reports have targeted internet and cellular towers to stop the information going in and out of the Valley.

Update: Department of Defense tweets a picture showing Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, the last American soldier leaving Afghanistan.

Update: State Department’s Press Conference Ends.

Update: US to engage with the Taliban only where the vital national interests lead, and they must earn their legitimacy – Sec. Blinken

Update: US and allies discussing on how to get the Kabul airport reopened as soon as possible – Blinken

Update: US diplomatic presence in Kabul suspended (as previously reported) but the US will continue constant efforts to help Americans and Afghans who want to leave Afghanistan – Blinken

Update: Afghan evacuations were massive humanitarian and diplomatic undertaking – Sec. Blinken

Update: Pres. Biden to address the nation tomorrow.

Update: Top US diplomat in Kabul, Charge d’Affaires Ross Wilson and Commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, Gen. Chris Donahue were the last two American officials to leave Afghan soil by stepping onto the last airplane.

Update: State Department to address shortly.

Update: US airlines, pilots barred from flying over Afghanistan.

Update: Taliban celebrated with aerial firing as the final C17 aircraft left Afghanistan.

Update: Less than 250 Americans left-behind in Afghanistan. Those wishing to leave will be evacuated after August 31.

Update: This was America’s largest non-combatant evacuation in history – Pentagon


The last of the US military planes have left Kabul with the remainder of the core diplomatic staff. Marking the end of America’s longest war

The war on terror cost $2.26 trillion and over 1,900 US troops were killed in action.

The US will no longer have civilian officials in Afghanistan and the US embassy in Kabul will suspend all embassy operations.


UN Security Council adopts resolution calling on the Taliban to ensure safe travel for those wishing to leave Afghanistan.

Russia and China abstain from voting and the resolution from France and the UK calls on the Taliban for a creation of a safe travel zone for Afghans wishing to leave after August 31.

The Taliban in the past have rejected such requests and stopped countless Afghans from getting to the airport.


Video circulating on social media shows the dire situation in Afghanistan while raising fears over why the Taliban cannot be trusted:

The news anchor tells Afghans “not to worry,” while being surrounded by armed men.

Update: US assessing reports that suggest civilian casualties from drone strike- Pentagon

Update: Approx. 122,000 people have been evacuated so far – Pentagon

Update: ISIS claims responsibility for the rocket attacks

Update: US intercepted 5 rockets fired at the airport.

Update: In the airstrike the US targeted an ISIS-K car carrying a bomb en route to the airport.

Breaking: According to Reuters, the US has conducted an airstrike in Kabul against ISIS-K militants.

Update: Approx. 300 US citizens still in Afghanistan – Sec. Blinken

Update: The explosion is suspected to have been caused by a rocket attack. The airport was not hit.

Update: The reopening of the Kabul embassy will depend on the Taliban behavior – Sec. Blinken.

Update: Talking to ABC News, Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the US will no longer have a diplomatic presence in Afghanistan after the August 31 deadline.

Breaking: Explosion heard near Kabul airport

Update: UK ends evacuation process. Final troops leave.

Update: Biden warns of another attack in Kabul.

Update: Officials fear quick revival of al Qaeda as ISIS-K starts operations in Afghanistan. No one at the moment is sure whether Afghans evacuated are all innocent civilians or have links to terrorist organizations that pose a threat to the United States and the World.

Breaking: US Embassy in Kabul has once again warned US citizens to leave the airport.

Update: 11 Marines, one Army soldier and one Navy sailor were killed in the line of duty on Thursday. 18 service members were injured.

Update: Turkey completed evacuation operations. According to their President has evacuated all civilians and forces. This comes after weeks of Turkish attempts to get control of the airport after Taliban refusal.

Update: Things to get more dangerous as deadline draws nearer. Biden and Harris already warned.

Update: Death toll crosses 170 over 250 wounded.

Update: Pentagon warns of more threats to Kabul.

Update: Pentagon corrects earlier reports. There was no second blast outside of the hotel.

Update: Sweden ends evacuation operations. Canada ended yesterday.

BREAKING: Another US service member has died, 18 injured.

Update: According to Press Secretary Jen Psaki, President Biden is yet to speak to the families of the service members killed in the twin bombings today.

Update: US flags will be lowered to half-staff until August 30 to show respect to the victims of the terror attack.

Update: Biden confirmed that the US evacuation mission will continue.

Update: Address ends.

Update: Biden says he has ordered the military to attack ISIS-K assets, leadership, etc. The US will respond with force in a place and manner of our choosing, he said.

Update: “There has been no evidence that suggests there is collusion between the Taliban and ISIS” – Biden, responding to another question. He also said he’s not suggesting the Taliban are good guys, “not suggesting that all,” said Biden.

Update: If we need additional force in Afghanistan, “I will grant it,” says Biden answering a question. America will get them wherever they are.

Update: Biden is taking questions today.

Update: “May God bless you all and may God bless the troops who protect America” – Biden, after a moment’s silence for all those in and out of uniform.

Update: America will not be intimidated and US forces will get the Americans, allies, etc., safely out of Afghanistan.

Update: To those behind these attacks and wish America harm should know that “[America] will not forgive, and [America] will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay” – Biden.

Update: US military is the backbone of America and Biden and Dr. Jill’s hearts ache over the lives lost by American service members and what is happening to the people of Afghanistan.

Update: Biden acknowledges the sacrifices made by the American heroes who sacrificed their to save others, and put themselves in danger to evacuate over 100,000 civilians.

Update: Biden says he’s been engaged all day with Pentagon and other officials over what has happened in Afghanistan.

Update: President Biden is now addressing the nation.

Update: White House is LIVE but due to some technical problems with the microphone there is a delay. We’ll add the updates here.

Update: In a few minutes, President Biden is expected to speak for the first time since the twin blasts martyred 12 US service members.

Update: The third blast was a controlled explosion by the US forces in order to destroy equipment, rather than leave it behind.

Update: France pledges to complete evacs., this comes after the French President during a press conference had raised doubts over the success of the operations due to the security situation.

Update: ISIS-K fighters shot at military aircraft but to no effect. US does not believe they have shoulder-firing anti-aircraft systems – Gen. McKenzie.

Update: ISIS-K claims responsibility for the terror attacks. Over 60 people have been killed, with over 150 injured.

Update: Biden will address the nation in over an hour.

Update: Attacks can range from vehicle borne, to suicide bombers, to rocket attacks. Next few days important to locate those responsible – Gen. McKenzie.

Update: Pentagon suspects ISIS to be behind the attacks and will go after those responsible – Gen. McKenzie.

Update: US evacuations continue, at least a 1000 Americans are in Afghanistan. US evacuated 104,000 civilians since August 14, that include over 66,000 Americans. Pentagon expects attacks to continue but the evacuations will continue as well and brave US service members will continue to assist the civilians – Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie.

BREAKING: At least twelve US service members have been killed, 15 injured. Pentagon officials are holding a briefing.

Update: Dozens of ISIS-K militants in Kabul, says Germany.

Update: Pres. Biden urged to reopen Bagram Airbase.

BREAKING: A third bomb has exploded, according to Russian media.

Update: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer have been briefed.

Update: Germany and UK will continue the evacuation process despite the attacks. Biden pressed by lawmakers to respond tremendously.

BREAKING: Pentagon has confirmed “a number” of US service members have been martyred in “today’s complex attack at Kabul airport,” and “a number of others are being treated for wounds.”

Update: UN Chief condemns the attacks and reports of no known UN casualties as of yet.

Update: More attacks expected. Taliban spokesperson “condemns the attacks and says they occurred in an area under the control of the US.” Earlier warnings suggested ISIS-K was planning an attack.

Update: Over 70 injured.

Update: President Biden in situation room along with chairman Joint Chiefs, Secretary of State.

Update: Biden press briefing delayed.

Update: Afghans ignored warnings in desperation.

The Pentagon has confirmed two explosions resulting in a number of “US and [other] civilian” casualties.

A blast was confirmed at the Abbey Gate of the Kabul airport and following it was another blast “at or near” the Baron Hotel, a short distance away from the Abbey Gate.

Both the explosions were confirmed the Pentagon Press Secretory, John Kirby, in a tweet. He described the attack at Abbey Gate as a “complex” one which reportedly was the result of a suicide bombing.

A Taliban spokesperson told Reuters there were about 13 casualties, including children, and multiple people were injured as a result of the bombings.

A local emergency hospital has reported of receiving 30 injured, six of those injured died on their way to the hospital.

Various videos and photos surfaced online after the attacks, and people can be seen mourning this awful tragedy while carrying the victims.

The attacks took place just hours after US and other forces had warned of security threats in the area and pleaded their citizens not to come to the airport and those there to leave the area as soon as possible. Several countries had halted the evacuation proceedings after the threats were reported.