

The US should abandon Ukraine and Nato after Macron comments

The US should abandon Ukraine and Nato post Macron comments

The US should just abandon Ukraine and Nato after the comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron after his China visit. The French President said Europe should not be caught in “crises that are not ours” and that France is an ally of the US not a “vassal.” With that… Continue reading The US should abandon Ukraine and Nato after Macron comments

Biden, Harris eye midterms and dump “time to heal America”

Biden, Harris eye midterms and dump "time to heal America"

When Biden took office, he presented a message of “unity” and “healing” a “divided America.” Now that the midterms are right around the corner, he dumps it all and takes aim at Trump supporters to rally the lost Democratic support because of the never-ending crises. In his nearly 30-minute speech,… Continue reading Biden, Harris eye midterms and dump “time to heal America”

Why does Jen Psaki always have that constipated look?

Jen Psaki WH Press Briefing

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki comes out for media briefings and from the first question, she starts exhibiting an intense face. A face that shows how tired she is and wants to go back into her office. Tired of all the bulls*it. Now, taking questions from the media can… Continue reading Why does Jen Psaki always have that constipated look?

Is Europe having an existential crisis?

Is Europe having an existential crisis?

Europe has mostly remained unified since World War 2 but after BREXIT, and Russian advances the relationship between the EU countries and allies has dented – is it having an existential crisis? On Wednesday, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen urged the Union to stop relying on… Continue reading Is Europe having an existential crisis?

Thoughts of a Swan: Is death really deathless?

Thoughts of a Swan: Is death really deathless?

The thoughts of a Swan bring you the question of whether death is really deathless? We’re drugged the second we come out of our mother’s womb. Our first breath is our drug to life and like any other drug brings us a breath closer to death. We cannot live without… Continue reading Thoughts of a Swan: Is death really deathless?

This video will make your blood boil

This video circulating online will make your blood boil. It shows how rotten some in the Far-Left have become. Their freedom which is under the US flag is protected by the men and women who sacrifice their lives. Their freedom which was earned before their birth and the birth of… Continue reading This video will make your blood boil

How do we know the Afghans coming are not a threat?

After this Administration managed to miscalculate the entire Afghan crisis, how can we trust it with screening and performing background checks on the influx of Afghans? We have criminals slip in through the southern border and now we have safely evacuated tens of thousands of Afghans who have worked with… Continue reading How do we know the Afghans coming are not a threat?

The Left wants to politicize the Supreme Court

The Left wants to politicize the Supreme Court

The Left wants to politicize the Supreme Court because it believes Justices are ‘influenced’ by their personal beliefs on certain matters. Liberals throughout their lives have loved Justice Stephen Breyer. Nominated by Bill Clinton in 1994, Justice Breyer’s job like every other judge in the United States and in the… Continue reading The Left wants to politicize the Supreme Court

Thoughts of a Swan: Is death less painful than life?

Thoughts of a Swan: Is death less painful than life?

The thoughts of a Swan bring you the question is death less painful than the life one lives? Birth, the most precious thing considered in the World is something not for the baby to decide. As the baby grows older, the pains of life make it question its birth. ‘I… Continue reading Thoughts of a Swan: Is death less painful than life?

The dictators at CNN

The dictators at CNN, they make it look like they’re perfect, they preach to keep the best of standards and way of life, they preach to be law-abiding, they preach in support of violent protests as long as they go with their agenda, they set the bar high up not… Continue reading The dictators at CNN

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