
Afghanistan: “China our main partner”; Taliban to announce new government

Taliban to announce a new government within a few hours, just after two weeks of taking over Afghanistan.

The cabinet is to be established after the morning prayers on Friday, sources told AFP.

A ceremony is being organized at the Presidential palace in Kabul, according to Taliban official Ahmadullah Muttaqi.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told the Italian newspaper La Reppublica that “China will be our main partner and represents a fundamental and extraordinary opportunity for us as the Chinese government is ready to invest and rebuild our country.”

China tries to tempt Taliban

He also showed support for China’s Belt and Road initiative, claiming to have “copper resources” in the country that will be “modernized” and utilized by accessing international market with the help of China.

The Conservative had predicted the outcome as Afghanistan is desperately in need of money after the Taliban takeover.

Monopolizing trade and economy; China has always cashed in with its neo-colonialism, injecting Third World countries with massive loans, in return looting all of their natural resources and taking over politically and economically.

If things follow the same path in Afghanistan then soon it will be injected with hundreds of billions of dollars in loans so that the Chinese companies can set up operations in the country, looting all the rare-earth metals and taking Afghanistan’s political and economical structure hostage as saying no to the Chinese while in debt is an option no Third World country has the guts to take.