

House passes bipartisan $1.2tn infrastructure bill after Dems drop arms

House passes bipartisan $1.2tn infrastructure bill after Dems drop arms

The House finally passed President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill late on Friday night after months of infighting within the Democratic Party. This probably was the Biden Administration’s biggest win since it took office. It does however, come at a cost for both the Democrats and Republicans. Both parties had its… Continue reading House passes bipartisan $1.2tn infrastructure bill after Dems drop arms

Youngkin win a disaster for Democrats ahead of the 2022 midterms

Youngkin win a disaster for Democrats ahead of the 2022 midterms

Republican Glenn Youngkin has been elected as Virginia’s Governor after the hotly contested gubernatorial election. Youngkin is set to be Virginia’s first Republican Governor since 2009. His win comes as a major blow to the Democrats ahead of the crucial 2022 midterms that could now bring back a strong Republican… Continue reading Youngkin win a disaster for Democrats ahead of the 2022 midterms

Biden plans to pay $450k to illegals while 500k Americans are homeless

A plan by the Biden Administration reportedly will pay $450,000 per illegal who had been separated during the Trump Administration. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Department of Justice, Homeland Security and Civilian Services are assessing on making payments to illegal immigrants. The plan would apply to those who… Continue reading Biden plans to pay $450k to illegals while 500k Americans are homeless

Senate temporarily extends debt limit

Senate temporarily extends debt limit

The Senate has voted to temporarily extend the debt limit to avoid a default that many experts feared would have crushed the economy. Senators agreed 50/48 to increase the limit by $480bn which will cover till December. The bill was approved after weeks of debates, and infighting within the Democratic… Continue reading Senate temporarily extends debt limit

Biden, Pelosi left dangling by Far-Left as bipartisan infrastructure bill delayed

US Capitol

The Bipartisan Infrastructure bill has been delayed as progressives demand more “diverse” spending on climate change. For years, the Democratic Party has catered to the Far-Left. Supporting and promising whatever they asked for, and now all that has once again backfired. The Democrats are officially without a backbone as the… Continue reading Biden, Pelosi left dangling by Far-Left as bipartisan infrastructure bill delayed

Chinese coercion doesn’t work on Australia

Chinese coercion doesn't work on Australia

China after initiating a trade war against Australia last year is now reeling over the decision as it has backfired. In a bid to crush the Australian economy and “punish” Australia for supporting an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19. China tried all it could to blackmail Australia into… Continue reading Chinese coercion doesn’t work on Australia

Afghanistan: China edges closer to Afghan riches

China has once again offered the Taliban support in the economic development of Afghanistan. Chinese state-owned media has reported Chinese officials of holding smooth talks with a Taliban delegation. As the US and other Western forces pullout from the war-torn country and are threatening to impose sanctions while stopping all… Continue reading Afghanistan: China edges closer to Afghan riches

House approves Biden’s $3.5tn budget plan

Tuesday – The House of Representatives approved a budget structure that will allow Democrats to spend approx. $3.5tn on Biden’s hallmark agenda product. The vote comes after a lengthy set of negotiations within the Democratic party, after the centrists demanded the $1.2tn infrastructure bill be moved as well. The Democratic… Continue reading House approves Biden’s $3.5tn budget plan

China is thirsty for Australian blood

China is thirsty for Australian blood

Australia, the country that feeds over 60 million people worldwide is in a trade-war with China, its biggest trading partner that is now thirsty not for Australian agriculture but for Australian blood. Why is that? Because Australia dared to support an independent inquiry into the origins of the Wuhan virus… Continue reading China is thirsty for Australian blood

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