
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns

by News Desk August 10, 2021
Photo: Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit

Estranged New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has finally announced his resignation after losing all support from allies upon the release of the damning report probing his alleged sexual harassment of 11 women.

Calls for his resignation had grown and his impeachment was imminent after the State Assembly was about to bring in the articles of impeachment, Cuomo took the only option he had left and resigned after one of his closest aides and chieftain of the containment of the allegations, Melissa DeRosa resigned earlier on Sunday.

President Joe Biden had also called on the Governor to resign after the release of the incriminating report.

“The Attorney General did a report on complaints made against me by certain women for my conduct. The report said I sexually harassed 11 women. That was the headline people heard and saw and reacted to. Their reaction was outrage, it should have been. However, it was also false, my lawyers as you just heard from Rita Glavin have reviewed the report over the past several days and have already raised serious issues and flaws that should concern all New Yorkers because when there is a bias or a lack of fairness in the justice system it is a concern for everyone,” Andrew Cuomo said in a video message.

After calling the report “biased,” Cuomo went on attacking the report and allegations. “The most serious allegations made against me had no credible factual basis in the report,” he said.

Cuomo then went on to “deeply, deeply, apologize” to the 11 women he had “offended.”

“But when I took my oath as Governor, things changed. I became a fighter, but I became a fighter for YOU and it is your best interest that I must serve,” he continued.

“New York tough, means New York loving, and I love New York and I love you, and everything I have ever done has been motivated by that love, and I would never want to be unhelpful in any way. And I think that given the circumstances, the best way I can help now. Is if I step aside and let government get back to governing and therefore that’s what I’ll do because I work for you and doing the right thing is doing the right thing for you because as we say it is not about me. it’s about we,” he added.

Cuomo’s resignation would take effect in two weeks and he would hand over the command to his deputy Lt. Gov. Hochul, who may also become the state’s first female Governor.

“Kathy Holchul, my Lieutenant Governor is smart and competent, this transition must be seamless, we have a lot going on, I’m very worried about the Delta variant and so should you be but she can come up the speed quickly and my resignation will be effective in 14 days,” he said.

Toxic culture, Chris Cuomo involvement, “contrite” script – Exposed

New York Attorney General Letitia James released the damning report of an independent investigation into Cuomo’s misconduct that found him in violation of state and federal laws. The report also exposed the toxic culture the Administration housed and how his closest aides and members of staff went after the accusers after they came forward. Calls for Cuomo’s resignation grew but he denied the allegations and also declined to resign, but since an impeachment was now looming nearby Cuomo took the only option he had left. His legal team had attacked the report claiming it was made in a manner that had a “premeditated narrative,” and it also said the Governor’s office was not provided with a copy of the report before it was publicly released. His lawyer Rita Glavin further called the attitude shown in the report to be mob like.

No one would have imagined “the” Andrew Cuomo to have ended this way. The “Mr. Perfect” Andrew Cuomo who was “leading” the fight against COVID, the sworn protector here to take President Trump down, the savior and one of the protectors of women’s rights, etc.

The women who have come forward need to be heard and the trouble for Andrew Cuomo does not end here as more criminal charges would now be filed, and some are even calling his resignation a bid to save his political career. With an impeachment he would have been barred from holding office.