
Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women

by News Desk August 3, 2021
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
Photo by Thomas Hawk

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been accused of sexually harassing multiple women and creating a hostile work environment by a report released by the New York Attorney General after an independent investigation found he violated state and federal laws.

In response to this incriminating report disgraced Gov. Cuomo has announced to continue serving as governor and claimed he did not touch anyone “inappropriately,” state lawmakers and those of his own party are calling for his resignation.

The investigation that many believe to be the final nail in Cuomo’s controversial and self-centered legacy has not stopped him from carrying on.

This is the same Cuomo who called it a “sad day for this country” when Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court.

He has been a vocal supporter of the #IBelieveHer movement and said “Dr. Christine Ford and all the survivors of sexual assault, we believe you and will fight for you.”

This isn’t the first time Andrew Cuomo has been hypocritical and it certainly won’t be the last since he has announced to continue rather than do what he has always told others to do when they are accused of sexual harassment: Resign.

The investigation into the then alleged sexual harassment was commissioned last year after several women had come out with allegations of sexual misconduct against the now estranged Governor.

After five months of thoroughly investigating and speaking to 189 people, including members of Cuomo’s staff and those who had brought out the complaints, reviewing thousands of documents including pictures, the independent investigation has concluded that “New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and in doing so violated federal and state laws.”

Cuomo has denied touching anyone “inappropriately” but he hasn’t denied the touching part in its entirety, indicating that he is used to touching women and doesn’t think he has done anything wrong or violated women in their closed personal spaces, instead he defends it by saying he is “63 years old who has lived his entire adult life in public view and that is just not who he is,” a person who allegedly gropes women.

One woman, said he asked her whether she was open to having sex with an older man, another (an assistant) has alleged that Cuomo reached under her blouse to touch her breast, while another alleged incident has him running a finger down a state trooper’s neck while standing behind her in an elevator.

These aren’t the complete list of allegations exposing Cuomo’s predatory nature. He has also been accused of keeping a toxic and hostile work environment where saying no to him or upsetting his senior staff would result to an instant dismissal ‘or worse.’

Sen. Schumer and Gillibrand have once again called for Cuomo’s resignation but since the Governor isn’t budging he might now face an impeachment trial initiated by a bipartisan State Assembly.

From a media darling, hero of the Left and the Democrats, who was here to take President Trump down with his expertise on workplace safety and battling COVID-19, Andrew Cuomo has now become extra luggage that no one wants to carry anymore, now facing the wrath of his wrongdoings and what he was once part of.

The victims of his alleged sexual harassment need to be heard and they need justice.

Although, the investigation is civil and not criminal so would not lead to charges but an impending impeachment trial awaits the sordid Governor while people are calling for criminal charges to be placed on him.

Women in the US and around the World need a safe workplace where people like Andrew Cuomo are not given birth, or use their power to gain advantage over them and suppress the victims.

Cuomo’s popularity has gone down the drain and he will now forever be remembered with the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Jeffrey Epstein, all while facing supposed criminal charges.

Already facing an impeachment investigation Cuomo is now being sidelined in the Democratic Party and the minute support from President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and the Progressive Far-Left drops, Cuomo will come tumbling down and his hopes for a re-election will forever vanish.

If Gov. Andrew Cuomo is impeached then criminal charges are awaiting him as his case would be a litmus test for the Democratic Party and keeping quiet hoping things would settle down would just leave them further exposed for using sexual harassment and workplace safety to take down their political opponents.