
Cuomo’s list of scandals grows as the mainstream media is in a coma

by News Desk May 11, 2021

On May 08, 2021, The Wall Street Journal released a bombshell report – that revealed the investigation led by the New York Attorney General on the now sordid New York Governor Andrew Cuomo – has yet again amplified with new additions, this time to his administration’s alleged attempt to use the COVID-19 vaccine distribution to garner support in some quarters after calls for his resignation grew.

Cuomo’s advisor Larry Schwartz who was responsible for overseeing the vaccine distribution is being accused of allegedly calling county-level officials to press them to support Cuomo when calls for his resignation grew. This is not the only time Cuomo or his administration have been accused of using their office for political gains. There are four investigations currently ongoing on Cuomo, one by the FBI and three by the NY Attorney General.

There has been absolutely no TV coverage of the report (As pointed out by Fox News) which would have shattered all on-air records had it been Donald Trump or any Republican instead of Andrew Cuomo.

Governor Andrew Cuomo really is “lucky” to have the silent support of the mainstream media because of them the majority remains unaware of the scope of his alleged crimes and the investigations taking place while he still is in office. Cuomo has always been a darling of the media just so they could achieve their goal of taking President Trump down and since President Biden’s victory he (Cuomo) has become a liability and so the best possible way to protect a former asset is to keep quiet and let the news die out so that the people forget and move on. Unfortunately for them, we exist.

Wasn’t Andrew Cuomo, Mr. Perfect?

The accusations don’t stop there as the Cuomo Administration has also been accused of prioritizing COVID tests on members of his family including CNN’s prime time actor Chris Cuomo early on in the first few months after the first case of the virus was reported. A top of the class New York physician was sent to his baby brother Chris Cuomo’s house. As the average New Yorkers were struggling in their fight against this new unforeseen enemy, the Cuomo family was allegedly enjoying the prestige and elite benefits of having a family member holding public office, and not only that they were also busy giving lectures online and LIVE on TV on how they have struggled and can relate to the ordinary person… Who wouldn’t want to be interviewed by the person of their choice who would sit across them like an NPC or a zombie moving their head up and down while responding with “Yes” “You did amazing, you’re stunning, you give out this positive energy that’s charging my phone and you are so brave. What would you tell the young people who look up to you and love watching you, etc.”

While innocent Americans were losing their lives and their innocent loved ones trapped in nursing homes with innocent COVID positive patients, Andrew Cuomo and Co were being praised by the media as angels sent by God to protect humanity, his daily press briefings had the most coverage and whatever he uttered was automatically the recommended strategy in the fight against COVID. Why did the media act that way? Just so they could defeat President Trump, they had said it many times before that to beat President Trump should be the number one priority and overshadowing his efforts was a vital aspect of their strategy with the next being to declare Cuomo a Godsend as they believed Biden to be too weak to beat Trump.

Will we see even a 5-second headline slot for the Wall Street Journal’s bombshell report? So far we have not and maybe we never will.