Agenda battered Biden switches back to Infrastructure Bill

After facing scathing defeats over his Build Back Better Agenda, vaccine mandates and the more recent rhetoric against the filibuster, President Biden has decided to tout the expected successes of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.
In a news briefing, President Biden said he “ran for President to unite the country.”
This Bipartisan Infrastructure law signed two months ago unites us around things we all depend on. Whether you’re in rural Kentucky or Downtown Philadelphia you should be able to turn on a faucet and drink clean drinking water.”
President Biden while delivering remarks on the Infrastructure Bill.
Biden said he ran to unite just a week after he dumped the “time to heal America” slogan and attacked Trump supporters for “holding a dagger to the throat of America.”
This flipflop of tactics makes one thing even the more clearer – that it is election year and the Democrats know they’re in trouble!
It also signifies the amount of confusion and desperation that surrounds this Administration as Biden’s approval rating – 33% – slumps to an all-time low.
Why is the President touting the Infrastructure Bill now when the effects of its policies would only be visible after the completion of several of its projects that would take years upon years to complete?
The Department of Transportation released nearly $53b … Billion Dollars to stage to modernize highways.
Biden added.
Because he has nothing else to sell. He attacked the filibuster in hopes of getting the Democrats to – somehow get the “voting reforms” bills passed – to ignite that lost Leftist passion and support for Biden.
With the voting reforms bills now on hold because of Democratic infighting, and the Supreme Court blocking of the Biden Admin’s vaccine mandates, Biden is in trouble and in desperate need for some good news to give to Americans.
Since both houses are almost equally divided between the Dems and the Republicans, Biden ironically expected his Party to take an authoritarian leap and remove the filibuster so that the Executive branch of government could just get everything passed with a simple majority of 50 votes.
The Democrats require Vice President Kamala Harris to play the role of the tie-breaker in the Senate, yet Biden somehow wants his Party to get all of its legislation passed bypassing serious debate and the unanimous support from lawmakers from both sides of the aisle.
Such would be the way of an authoritarian leader, and Democratic lawmakers know it isn’t the right way to do things. Biden is an experienced Senator, yet he expected the Legislative branch of government to allow the Executive to just bulldoze everything and get whatever it wants done without the mandatory system of checks and balances.
Biden’s only hope ahead of the Midterms now, is to somehow get Americans rally around the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, and get some smaller legislation passed so he could sloganeer and maybe gain support for his Party.
It will be an interesting year, but Biden doesn’t have much to sell since Americans won’t forget the sky-high inflation, the Afghanistan debacle, the record-breaking migrant crisis, the collapse of the Build Back Better Agenda, etc.