
Afghanistan: #InterpolArrestGhani trending on Twitter

by News Desk August 17, 2021

Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani who resigned at the last minute and fled the country is drawing the ire of Afghans around the World for running away when his country and people needed him the most. People are taking to twitter and are showing their displeasure, even asking the Interpol to arrest Ashraf Ghani.

#InterpolArrestGhani is trending on Afghan Twitter with thousands of tweets against the former Afghan President. Some users even shared reports claiming Ghani to have taken cars and a helicopter full of cash while fleeing. Russia alleged the same and Ghani has yet to issue a clarification.

Ghani, called a coward by his government officials broke his silence by making a Facebook post highlighting how tough it was for him to leave and giving the driving seat to the Taliban.

The mess that was created in Kabul and especially at the airport was because of Ashraf Ghani. With no leadership, the remains of the government disbanded and chaos consumed all of Kabul with people rushing into the airfield trying to stop planes from taking off without them. US forces had to be deployed to take control of the airport that had no Afghan official but instead flooded with Afghan civilians.

Ghani’s forces were nowhere to be seen since the beginning of the Taliban offensive and they were able to occupy the country within 10 days. Things may have worked out differently if the Afghan leader had stayed, maybe his people would have seen hope at the end of the tunnel and not unconsciously sabotage foreign evacuation processes.