The WHO needs to be held accountable

December 2019 – The Chinese are scattered around the World to celebrate the Lunar Year. The whole World, including the WHO, unaware of what is about to hit it.
People are enjoying their everyday lives and suddenly the first case of the Coronavirus is reported in Wuhan, China.
The Chinese Government announces there is nothing to worry about and the WHO following China declares that there is no human-to-human transmission of this virus.
Feeling relieved, the rest of the World does not for once think about travel bans and safety precautions at the airports to curb the spread and isolate the virus.
A growing number of cases are then reported in Wuhan and China goes mysteriously quiet and acts strange whenever questions about the virus’ spread are brought up.
A number of reports relating to the detention of doctors who had warned of this new type of pneumonia appear, but China denies all of those reports (It was later confirmed that the doctors were indeed detained).
Pressure grows on the WHO after other countries report similar cases and the WHO on January 20, 2020 finally declares that the virus has human-to-human transmission.
Countries scramble to take countermeasures, travel from China is reduced and ultimately stopped, but the damage had already been done, with the spike going up at a rapid pace throughout the World.
People who recently traveled to China were advised to stay at home and people stranded in China were brought back via flights. It was deemed mandatory for airports to carry out temperature checks for all departing and arriving passengers but the cases kept on growing.
The World Health Organization and the CDC advised to maintain a distance of 6-feet and not use masks as studies showed them to be ineffective in curbing the spread of the virus, they unanimously agreed with scientists from around the World that washing hands was the best possible way to prevent the spread of the virus.
As the production of the PPE kits and masks increased the WHO and CDC changed their guidelines with masks then being mandatory to curb the spread.
The timeline from no masks to masks suggests that they wanted the masks for the doctors and not the common people until enough were produced daily, they feared a shortage thus inadvertently lied to people.
Earlier studies had shown them to be ineffective for the public but new research showed them to be as effective for the public as they were for the doctors and nurses in COVID emergency wards.
Numerous studies appeared of how many lives COVID would take in each country and the outcomes appeared to be grim.
Major fear and panic spread which made governments make hasty decisions to enforce largescale lockdowns and micromanage the Pandemic, only to make it worse with people losing their loved ones along with their livelihoods.
All the health experts declared lockdowns to be the only solution to curb the spread of the virus, to deflate the spike was the primary goal and the States followed, only to create panic among the people and cause major transport and super-spreader events at malls, etc. Businesses went bankrupt, people lost jobs and became homeless but the health experts backed by the media kept on telling people to stay at home, they controlled people like cattle and the spikes deflated for a few weeks only to go back up.
Some breakthrough studies by scientists discovered Hydroxychloroquine to be effective against the virus but then those studies were disowned and the use of Hydroxy was deemed dangerous after adverse reactions were reported.
After Hydroxy came Remdesevir, the cure we were waiting for which could subdue the effects of COVID, but not long after its use did we discover that it should not be taken as an over the counter medicine and should only be tried on patients showing severe symptoms until the clinical trials are successfully conducted.
Scientists and analysts were quick to point out that they had been warning for years about a Pandemic led by a respiratory disease waiting to happen. They were warning but they had no answers to curb it and were still unprepared.
The handling of it by the WHO was not unprofessional but criminal.
Millions lost their lives and loved ones because of the criminal negligence by the WHO in isolating the virus and giving a heads up to the World of what was headed their way.
This Pandemic exposed the corruption inside of the organization that gets billions in funds and is caught with absolutely no plan on how to tackle such a catastrophic event.
They had no strategy, almost everyone would imagine the WHO to be so organized that they have full libraries and databases filled with plans and procedures to guide the World through and out of these desperate times.
What we got in reality was the independent private doctors guiding us and the CDC leading the fight along with the Coronavirus Task Force, the WHO was nowhere to be found and their actions showed how dysfunctional they were and are. They are better with Press conferences and telling how they spread awareness about certain diseases in Africa than they are at battling the spread of viruses.
The lack of experience of the WHO when it comes to handling such a large-scale Pandemic caused by a fast spreading respiratory virus can come to their defense but it cannot be used as an excuse as people lost their lives.
We do agree that they cannot magically have a cure for everything undiscovered or new but they need to look and be organized. Had they warned us about the human-to-human transmission, we might have seen a different outcome with far less deaths and a slower spread.
They should not observe health emergencies and be on the lookout for new or dangerous discoveries if they are not given access to every country’s healthcare system.
Either the World develops and accepts the WHO’s writ on healthcare data or a new organization that has access to the data of the healthcare systems from around the World be formed. Only then can we end or limit the disinformation spread by autocratic regimes when it comes to global healthcare necessitated by the globalization of everything.
Their whole handling of the Pandemic at the beginning was just doing Press conference after conference to give input to the people on how China is handling it so far and that there is no human-to-human transmission, they weren’t even wearing masks back then or maintaining a distance of six feet (on top of that, somebody kept on coughing during those press briefings), that’s something we would naturally expect from the leaders of the World Health Organization to sense what is forthcoming and show that they are ready and really are experts and are all on the same page implementing the standard operating procedures developed for such a crisis, but it looks like they didn’t have any.
They should have been so organized that they should have gone to China, with the government there established a Unit that oversaw every bit of information that arrived at the health department and then had sent out the signal if things got out of control.
What they did was just tell the basics and then misinformed on the human-to-human transmission, they lacked structure, standard operating procedures and leadership. They sounded more like a club having Press briefings than a Global Department that oversees health.
If they failed to discover and warn about the potential human-to-human transmission because of China’s denial to grant them access, then why do they even exist? We have Private and Government sponsored companies making the vaccines, we have them funding and doing the research, and collaborating with government organizations and private Universities to find the cure(s).
If all that is being done by Governments and Private companies, and the WHO’s only job was to be on the lookout for health emergencies on which they failed, then why do we need them on this at all? Why cant they just focus on the awareness aspect of their work and not the research based data analysis?
There needs to be accountability and it has to start with the World Health Organization which needs to tell where all that money went, how much did the higher ups take, if they have any undisclosed assets or have generated unexplained wealth.
They need to tell us just how much they are spending on each individual project and why is the particular project necessary. They need to tell us why they failed to detect and warn about the Chinese coronavirus and the World needs to make sure to either give them (the WHO) the authority needed to have access to the healthcare system of every country or we clip off their wings entirely for this critical and mandatory duty and establish a new independent entity that has the support of all the countries for this crucial task that can not only save human lives but humanity itself.
According to the World Economic Forum “In 2018, the WHO’s spending totalled $2.3 billion, down 4% from 2017. The organization said its base programmes represented 60% of spending in 2018, while polio, emergencies and special programmes represented the remaining 40%.”
This shows that most of the funds the WHO generates (thanks to donations from the US, Gates Foundation and other countries) are spread to various regions with 657m spent by the HQ, 635m spent by them in Africa and the 522m in the Eastern Mediterranean.
They insist that they have done a lot of work in eradicating various diseases and upgrading the health systems in Africa, but how can we trust what the organization claims until an external inquiry is conducted on where and how the funds allocated to each region and the HQ were spent?
Why choose Africa where to this day basic healthcare facilities are non-existent and the regimes are known to be corrupt? Same goes for the Eastern Mediterranean with rampant corruption by the bureaucracy in allocating the funds given to them by the WHO, both the regions get a little over half the funding the WHO generates, and though they may have the war torn part as their defense, explanations are needed no matter how basic the allegation is and it must be ensured that the normal people affected by war(s) get the money and healthcare facilities, not the dictator or elite along with their families.
The World Health Organization like most UN institutions is accused of having corruption within its system, and this Pandemic has proven it while also exposing their incompetence.
They boast about their diverse team of “leaders” and indeed they are diverse… Diversely corrupt and incompetent.