

Afghanistan: China edges closer to Afghan riches

China has once again offered the Taliban support in the economic development of Afghanistan. Chinese state-owned media has reported Chinese officials of holding smooth talks with a Taliban delegation. As the US and other Western forces pullout from the war-torn country and are threatening to impose sanctions while stopping all… Continue reading Afghanistan: China edges closer to Afghan riches

Afghanistan: China tries to tempt Taliban

Secretary Pompeo Meets With Family Members of Ethnic Kazakh-Chinese in Xinjiang

Late last month China showed signs of making a working relationship with the Taliban and “hoped” they would dismantle the East Turkestan Islamic Movement in Afghanistan and would not allow their soil to be used against China. Calling the Islamic movement a “direct threat to China’s national security,” Chinese Foreign… Continue reading Afghanistan: China tries to tempt Taliban

CCP hacks attack foreign journalists

Such attacks are to let the World know that China isn't happy and send the media a message to tread lightly as China is fragile.

BBC’s investigative bombshell over the origins of COVID have hurt the Chinese Communist Party and the average Chinese who has been brainwashed into worshiping the CCP no matter the outcome. Foreign journalists reporting the devastation caused by the floods that have engulfed China are reportedly being harassed and followed by… Continue reading CCP hacks attack foreign journalists

China is thirsty for Australian blood

China is thirsty for Australian blood

Australia, the country that feeds over 60 million people worldwide is in a trade-war with China, its biggest trading partner that is now thirsty not for Australian agriculture but for Australian blood. Why is that? Because Australia dared to support an independent inquiry into the origins of the Wuhan virus… Continue reading China is thirsty for Australian blood

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