
Chinese Cannon Fodder

Lithuania: Consumers told to throw away Chinese spyware phones

Lithuania’s National Cyber Security Centre is urging consumers to throw away their Chinese spyware phones and avoid buying new ones. The NCSC tested 5G mobiles from Chinese manufacturers like Xiaomi, Huawei, OnePlus, and found cyber and personal data security risks. “The initial results of the investigation show some cyber and… Continue reading Lithuania: Consumers told to throw away Chinese spyware phones

China goes distasteful as ever as US shifts focus

As the US shifts its focus away from Afghanistan, China has gone distasteful as ever over its fear that all eyes will now be on its coercion. The US has always respected its allies and its enemies, and has always supported a workable relationship with everyone. We have at least… Continue reading China goes distasteful as ever as US shifts focus

Chinese coercion doesn’t work on Australia

Chinese coercion doesn't work on Australia

China after initiating a trade war against Australia last year is now reeling over the decision as it has backfired. In a bid to crush the Australian economy and “punish” Australia for supporting an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19. China tried all it could to blackmail Australia into… Continue reading Chinese coercion doesn’t work on Australia

Swiss embassy asks Chinese “media” to remove fake news

The Embassy of Switzerland in Beijing has asked the Chinese “media” to remove articles and posts that contain quotes from an alleged Swiss scientist who does not exist. Chinese state-controlled media in recent months has hired or mimicked certain foreign actors who roam China showcasing how “free” everyone is over… Continue reading Swiss embassy asks Chinese “media” to remove fake news

CCP hacks attack foreign journalists

Such attacks are to let the World know that China isn't happy and send the media a message to tread lightly as China is fragile.

BBC’s investigative bombshell over the origins of COVID have hurt the Chinese Communist Party and the average Chinese who has been brainwashed into worshiping the CCP no matter the outcome. Foreign journalists reporting the devastation caused by the floods that have engulfed China are reportedly being harassed and followed by… Continue reading CCP hacks attack foreign journalists

China is thirsty for Australian blood

China is thirsty for Australian blood

Australia, the country that feeds over 60 million people worldwide is in a trade-war with China, its biggest trading partner that is now thirsty not for Australian agriculture but for Australian blood. Why is that? Because Australia dared to support an independent inquiry into the origins of the Wuhan virus… Continue reading China is thirsty for Australian blood

If Facebook is banned in China then who are these pages for?

If Facebook is banned in China then who are these pages for?

In today’s modern World we cannot imagine life without social media, so who are these pages for if Facebook is banned in China? There are only a few countries that have banned or restricted the use of the giant and one such civilization that has over a billion people cannot… Continue reading If Facebook is banned in China then who are these pages for?

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