

Rise Ser Joe Biden, America’s first dictator

The “tin-foilers” warned us for years of what was coming. They talked about UFOs and they talked about Big Brother but we downplayed it and actually laughed. But time has proven them right and us wrong, as the Pentagon released videos showing UFOs flying that they have no answer to,… Continue reading Rise Ser Joe Biden, America’s first dictator

Will Biden resign next year?

Will Biden resign next year?

The long awaited and much anticipated Press Conference happened and it saw President Biden rush out into the room at 3-steps per second after his tragic infamous slips while boarding Air Force One. He looked fully prepared and his body language showed that he’s there to wreak havoc on his… Continue reading Will Biden resign next year?

The pathway to Commander in Chief clear for Harris?

As criticism mounts on Biden for his failure to control the migrant crisis, is the pathway to become the Commander in Chief clear for Kamala Harris? With all eyes and knives on the President who has kept a rather quiet and sympathetic approach to everything, one person seems to be… Continue reading The pathway to Commander in Chief clear for Harris?

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