
Andrew Cuomo

Criminal complaint against Andrew Cuomo dismissed

A criminal complaint against estranged former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been dismissed by an Albany Judge on Friday. The prosecution did not object against the dismissal as they did not have enough evidence that would lead to a conviction. This was expected as Albany County District Attorney had… Continue reading Criminal complaint against Andrew Cuomo dismissed

HarperCollins drops Chris Cuomo’s forthcoming book

Book publisher HarperCollins has dropped Chris Cuomo’s forthcoming book “Deep Denial” amid the revelations of the younger brother’s involvement in the making of Andrew Cuomo’s response to the sex harassment accusations. Cuomo lost his job at CNN on Saturday after an internal inquiry found the extent of his role as… Continue reading HarperCollins drops Chris Cuomo’s forthcoming book

CNN fires Chris Cuomo for helping then-Governor Andrew Cuomo

CNN has fired its prime time anchor Chris Cuomo for helping prepare his brother, estranged former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s response to the sexual harassment allegations. The network’s decision comes after it conducted an inquiry over the newly released evidence of baby Cuomo helping the older Cuomo. Andrew Cuomo… Continue reading CNN fires Chris Cuomo for helping then-Governor Andrew Cuomo

So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?

So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?

Estranged former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s sex harassment investigation has once again shed light on just how much wrong there was in his toxic Administration, and the toxic people around him. Andrew Cuomo resigned a week New York Attorney General’s report found him in violation of state and federal… Continue reading So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?

Time’s Up fires staff in a bid to become transparent after Cuomo scandal

In a bid to be more transparent, women’s anti-harassment group Time’s Up has decided to fire its staff in a complete “reset.” Time’s Up, founded by Hollywood women after the #MeToo movement was embroiled in controversy after it was revealed that it’s CEO, and board co-chairwoman had ties to estranged… Continue reading Time’s Up fires staff in a bid to become transparent after Cuomo scandal

Andrew Cuomo charged over sexual misconduct

Estranged former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been charged with groping a former aide at the Governor’s mansion. He was charged on Thursday for the crime that could lead him to jail for about a year. The misdemeanor complaint alleges that Andrew Cuomo, 63, had “intentionally” crept his hand… Continue reading Andrew Cuomo charged over sexual misconduct

Cuomo Sex Harassment: Time’s Up CEO resigns

Cuomo Sex Harassment – The CEO of women’s rights organization Time’s Up, has resigned following the backlash received due to her connection in former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo‘s sexual harassment scandal. “Spent a career fighting for positive change for women,” but she was no longer the right person to… Continue reading Cuomo Sex Harassment: Time’s Up CEO resigns

New York adds 12,000 COVID deaths that Cuomo hid

New York’s new Governor Kathy Hochul while keeping her promise kicked out all the Cuomo Admin officials named in the AG report and also released the total number of COVID-19 deaths that now align with the CDC count. New York’s death toll now stands at 54,635, a huge jump from… Continue reading New York adds 12,000 COVID deaths that Cuomo hid

Cuomo Sex Harassment: International Emmys take back honorary award

Estranged New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s Emmy has been taken back by the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The International Academy announced today that in light of the New York Attorney General’s report, and Andrew Cuomo’s subsequent resignation as Governor, it is rescinding his special 2020 International Emmy… Continue reading Cuomo Sex Harassment: International Emmys take back honorary award

Cuomo Sex Harassment: Cuomo shows signs of narcissism; spews venom at report, far-left

Cuomo Sex Harassment – New York’s estranged Governor Andrew Cuomo who is facing multiple criminal investigations gave a farewell speech today as he was leaving office. In it he boasted about his alleged “successes” and also torched the Attorney General’s report while also taking a dig at the far-left on… Continue reading Cuomo Sex Harassment: Cuomo shows signs of narcissism; spews venom at report, far-left

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