
Protests turn into riots, rioters turn into thieves; stores across US emptied

by News Desk November 20, 2021
Protests turn into riots, rioters turn into thieves; stores across US emptied
6-story development under construction on fire in South Minneapolis. Unrest over the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd (Credit: Chad Davis)

Protests across the US have turned into riots. Many have yet again taken advantage of the rioting by looting stores.

Black Friday has come early in America this year as rioters across the country are now emptying stores with their organized theft.

As Kyle Rittenhouse was declared a free man, “protestors” took to the streets to soon become rioters.

Stores in Chicago, Portland and San Francisco were hit and robbed by fearless thieves. They came to the streets to denounce the Rittenhouse verdict but ended up looting major stores and malls.

Six thieves behind an earlier robbing and vandalism of a Louis Vuitton store in San Francisco were arrested. There have been several other reports of theft and vandalism throughout the city.

Rittenhouse “protests” in Portland were declared riots after the “protestors” started vandalizing property and Police vehicles.

Most Democrats reacted strongly against the verdict, only to either intentionally or unintentionally influence protests. President Biden had asked for calm and sided with the system, but also acknowledged that the verdict will anger many.

Let sanity prevail

Kyle Rittenhouse faced a lengthy trial. He faced a scathing media trial and was judged since he shot the three men in self-defense.

He was found not guilty on all five charges by a Jury of 7 women and 5 men.

We must ask ourselves that do we as Americans want a system where protestors, or rioters get to decide who is guilty and who isn’t? Do we believe in a fair trial for all, or not?

Without our legal system, we will only become a country with lawlessness. A country where gangs would soon enforce their own laws and create factions.

We should not let a small, violent minority use tactics such as racial division, social and societal division to make us destroy ourselves.

We should not let them take advantage of each situation where our emotions get the better of us. This doesn’t mean that we need to become violent in order to stop them, instead we must bolster our legal/justice system and stop heeding their calls for violence.

Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty by the court. The families of those killed can still challenge the verdict, but only through the courts.

Those rioting and looting are not asking for justice, they are taking advantage of the situation for their personal benefit. Most of them don’t even know the full facts, all they want to do is join a mob taking advantage of the situation.

~Let sanity prevail.