
Taiwan: Chinese jets set another single-day incursion record since Friday

by News Desk October 4, 2021

Taiwan has urged Beijing to stop the irresponsible actions after 56 warplanes entered its air defense zone on Monday.

China has sent over 140 warplanes since Friday in Taiwan’s air defense zone. Monday’s incursions are now the biggest ever, just days after Friday’s record-setting violations.

Taiwan has labelled Beijing as the main culprit for the recent rise in tensions. China which is controlled by the CCP, however, has blamed the US for the tensions.

It’s unclear how the US is behind the Chinese actions.

China believes Taiwan to be a breakaway province. Time and again has said that Taiwan belongs to it and labels the government there as agitators.

Through its state-controlled social media platforms, China has its online nationalist army call the Taiwanese politicians and government, “domestic terrorists.”

Taiwan, sees itself as a sovereign state and has reported air defense violations by China since last year.

Monday’s violations saw 52 PLA aircraft, including 34 J-16 fighters, two SU-30, two Y-8 ASW, two KJ-500 AEW&C and 12 nuclear-capable H-6.

Four more PLA J-16 fighters entered its air defense zone a few hours later at night.

The largest single-day incursion record now sits at 56. Overtaking Friday’s record by 18 jets.

China has once again warned the World against supporting Taiwan’s independence after blaming the US for the rise in tensions.

It has once again announced to “smash” any Taiwanese independence attempts, and has called it a dead end.

Monday’s incursions come after the State Department said the US was “very concerned by China’s provocative military activity near Taiwan.”

The statement further added that the activity is “destabilizing, risks miscalculations, and undermines regional peace and stability.”

The US also urged Beijing “to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan.”

Beijing, irked by the call for peace responded by sending a total of 56 aircrafts in Taiwan’s air defense zone.

With growing internal pressure and its hegemonic policies and bullying coming to an end, China sees itself cornered from all sides.

Chinese fears grew as the US ended its mission in Afghanistan. Expecting focus to shift, China has since buffed up its undiplomatic reactions in a bid to send out a warning.

With the US out of Afghanistan, it can focus mainly on real issues, and China could no longer get away with its exploitation.

China today, feels that if it shows leniency on Taiwan and Hong Kong, then the World will get an opportunity to call for precedence.

Thus, it never ceases to use harsh and undiplomatic language that further damages its reputation.

With its main strategy of “economic blackmail” also exposed and countries now standing up. China has nothing more left but the undiplomatic language and regional destabilization.

China knows it cannot fight the entire World, but continues to show that it is ready for a war, which many believe to be a bluff.

Tensions are set to increase as the CCP tries to assert hegemonic control. It may launch an invasion of Taiwan to hide its failures and further stoke the nationalist sentiment.

All will depend on the World’s reaction if such an invasion materializes. Until then, many believe it to be another Chinese bluff.

If the bluff does turn into reality then China will intentionally initiate the third World War.