
Hurricane Ida: Thousands flee coastal areas

by News Desk August 29, 2021

Hurricane Ida is expected to be one of the worst storms ever to hit Louisiana, and to make things worse it is going to make landfall on Sunday when New Orleans will mark the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that killed close to 2,000 people.

It will bring devastating 140mph winds that could go up to 140mph along with heavy rainfall and the levee system in New Orleans is expected to be breached, paving way for waters over 11ft high.

Residents living outside the city and especially outside the levee system were told to be part of the mandatory evacuations.

Communities living around and near the Mississippi river were also part of the mandatory evacuations. Along with the coastal areas of Louisiana, areas in Mississippi were also vacated.

A state of emergency was also declared in Mississippi and residents there are evacuating as well but Louisiana is expected to be worst-hit by the Category 4 hurricane.

Experts are saying Ida could be stronger than Katrina and if that really happens then the coastal areas and maybe all of New Orleans could become uninhabitable for maybe half a year.

Highways leaving Louisiana were blocked all day as people were leaving the state. What makes Ida even worse is that it’s coming at the end of the month when people are usually out of money and the Pandemic already had them on edge.

President Biden said his administration is ready to provide help and the storm is turning very dangerous.

When communities in the mandatory evacuation zones come back they may not recognizes the places they once lived, where they grew up and where their kids played.