
SCOTUS tells Biden to restore Pres. Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” prog.

In a blow to President Biden, the Supreme Court has told the Biden Administration to reinstate the Trump Administration’s migrant policy that requires illegals to stay outside US and await their hearings, rather than be caught and released on US soil to run away until caught again by ICE.

The “Remain in Mexico” program, officially known as Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) was to be immediately reimplemented by the order of a federal judge. The judgement was then challenged by the Biden Administration in the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court, with the deliberations of three liberal justices, denied the Biden Admin’s request to suspend the Federal Judge’s order. It has ordered the Admin to restore the MPP policy.

This is a huge blow to the Biden Administration that is already battling a record surge at the border, but the move is a win for the United States as many communities close to the border won’t have their funds and space filled with illegal immigrants who escape until are caught again by ICE, which can take from weeks to months to years or even decades.

The Administration can now file an appeal in lower courts, which it would likely do and has claimed to now comply with the order, whereas previously the Department of Homeland Security moved to quickly dismantle the program until the Biden Administration was sued by attorneys general of Missouri and Texas.