Bizarre video stars Jen Psaki and an “influencer”
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki in a bid to woo Gen Z and to get them vaccinated starred in this rather bizarre video that has an influencer work as an intern at the White House.
Social media users have called the video as “cringe” and one user even made a comment on how “we went from Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Lincoln in the White House to this.” The video backfired and that is the reason why you may never have heard about it until now or from the influencer’s own Instagram.
Hiring or asking influencers to promote something is risky business. They are not experts in any field, people just watch them because they are bored and like to scroll down on their newsfeeds, and with influencers comes the risk of their partisanship, one side of the community loves them and the other, which is usually the majority absolutely hates them. They exist because of the views they get from both sides and criticism on them doesn’t matter as in the end it is publicity.
Problems with influencers is that they have to be perfect, and they don’t cater to everyone. One side hates them regardless of their political views and those who are jumpy and try to be energetic in the videos with their slapstick tend to get more hate than “love.” People don’t actually care about their gender, what they are telling them to do but they just get irritated with what’s happening on-screen. To combat criticism the fans of the influencer or the side that supports their agenda tends to play the race, homophobic, etc. Card, and same is the case here, which will result in more hate for the influencer.
A vast majority has clearly criticized the influencer’s video as “cringe” and just unbearable, but his supporters or those who want to turn it into news defend him by only pointing out the criticism that has homophobia involved.
Influencers who tilt so far towards a section of society will always draw the ire and though we cannot tell Jen Psaki what to do, we can advise her to pick more neutral actors or a string of actors who cater to everyone or a vast and diverse audience to balance it out, or she could pick the same influencer again and maybe the same section of Gen Z may get vaccinated four times while the rest starts calling it “cringe.”