
Afghanistan: Biden discusses next steps; UNSC to meet on Monday

by News Desk August 15, 2021
President Biden briefed on Afghanistan by senior officials, August 15, 2021

Top White House advisors are discussing President Biden’s next steps into the Afghan crisis. Biden’s planned August vacation might be postponed or cancelled altogether as critics and allies come down hard at him for spending time at Camp David while Afghanistan burns because of a decision he took.

The United Nations Security Council will meet on Monday to discuss the security situation in Afghanistan. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had already called on the Taliban to stop their offensive on Friday and the members will meet early on Monday morning to likely condemn the Taliban advance.

Although, the decision to withdraw troops has been defended by the White House it has led to countless deaths and a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, with the Pentagon now realizing how quickly Afghanistan can again become a terror-breeding ground.

Many White House officials who were also on vacation have returned to work, either from home or in the West Wing.

The Biden Administration is trying to stop this from turning into a disaster they will be remembered for, and it may already be too late for that as the global message that was sent out has been weak and exposed how much money America wasted in Afghanistan, on people who put it in their own pockets and tricked the United States.

The Afghan army failed its own people and the World. They were given billions of dollars to defend their people, and when the time came they dropped arms and fled to nearby countries or joined the Taliban.

A wide range of issues are being debated but anything at the moment is too early to call as all eyes are on the Taliban. When will they declare the birth of a new republic, the constitution and whether they will invite other warlords to the table to discuss and draft a constitution together, or will they along with the warlords go for each others’ blood further risking global security and commit mass human-rights violations.

The White House in a tweet said the President and VP are getting constant updates from the National Security Team and senior officials, and “the ongoing security situation in Kabul.”