
Gov. Greg Abbott tells White House Texas can produce oil

by News Desk August 12, 2021

Texas Governor Greg Abbott slammed the White House on Wednesday for making America energy dependent.

In a tweet the Governor quoted a White House statement and said Texas could easily produce the oil if the Biden Administration will “just stay out of the way.”

“Texas can do this. Our producers can easily produce that oil if your Administration will just stay out of the way,” the tweet read.

If Texas produces the oil then the prices will go down significantly and it will be done by American workers, while making the United States energy independent instead of having to “urge OPEC+ to pump more oil,” in order to meet demands and decrease prices.

President Biden’s immediate actions upon taking office created roadblocks on drilling leases and with the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline along with rising calls for action on climate change, it is imminent that oil production will further be choked in the United States, endangering more jobs and ending more livelihoods in the process.

Biden defended his decisions influenced by progressives, he has also brought forward the jobs Green energy would bring and was positive of a restored balance where those who lose jobs will regain them in a different field.

Many experts however, have raised concerns of the complete alienation of the oil industry and many of those who have decades of experience in the field won’t be able to easily adjust or find jobs they can excel at in Green energy.

It is a long debate and the Democrats should think rationally rather than blindly following the Progressives and destroying an entire industry, they should gradually move away from it. This has to be a slow process as rushing it would endanger hundreds of thousands of jobs and the economy.