
Middle East boils as drone attacks tanker

by News Desk July 31, 2021

July 29, 2021 – An Israeli billionaire’s oil tanker was attacked by an ‘Iranian’ drone operating off the coast of Oman. The tanker was sailing under a Liberian flag according to Marine Traffic, and is owned by the Japanese while is managed by a London based management company owned by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer.

Iranian state media has confirmed the attack to be in retaliation of an airstrike on a military airport in Syria it alleges was conducted by Israel. Tel Aviv and the US are also blaming Iran for the attack and the crew has also confirmed the attack and have said of hearing drone noises followed by explosions on deck and in the water. The ship is now being escorted by the US Navy and is running on its own power as confirmed by the management company.

Two crew-members have reportedly been killed, one British and a Romanian. The Iranian government has not offered a statement either in acknowledgement or denial of the attack. The crew has also reported of seeing the drone itself hit the ship, a sort of an unmanned kamikaze attack Iranian drones are infamous for, according to them an earlier drone missed the ship and exploded in the water but the second one made contact.

The US military has long been aware of Iran’s unmanned kamikaze drones and say the drones target and then nosedive, exploding on impact.

Oman’s News Agency has reported the incident taking place outside Oman’s waters and relevant Navy team was sent to the location of the attack. The crew however decided to continue without their assistance, the agency reported.

Israel has reacted strongly with their Foreign Minister calling for an International need to stand up to Iran after the incident. He also talked to the British Foreign Minister and told him the attack on the ship needs a harsh response in which a British citizen was killed. The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office also released a statement on Twitter saying they are “deeply concerned by today’s incident off the Coast of Oman.”

“Iran isn’t only an Israeli problem, but an exporter of terrorism, destruction and instability that is hurting us all. We must never remain silent in the face of Iranian terrorism, which also harms Freedom of Navigation,” Lapid taking to Twitter.

“We are deeply concerned by today’s incident off the coast of Oman. Our thoughts are with the loved ones of the British and Romanian nationals killed in the incident. Vessels must be allowed to navigate freely in accordance with international law,” said the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in a tweet.

Tensions are flaring up in the Middle East and the ever-complicated region is complicating itself even further now that a hardliner Iranian is about to take office on August 5th.