
“It’s time to end America’s longest war” – President Biden

Photo by Ivan Omar

Standing in the Treaty Room where in October 2001, President George W. Bush had announced the deployment of US troops in Afghanistan for the “War on Terror” after the deadly September 11 attacks that killed 2977 innocents (2065 Americans) and shook not only the United States but the whole World, President Biden stated that “It’s time for American troops to come home.”

It’s time for American troops to come home

President Biden

“It’s time to end America’s longest war,” he added, and declared the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan (that would also include the NATO allied forces) before the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Previously, the deadline to withdraw all troops (Including NATO allied forces) was to be in May 2021 as decided by the previous Administration.

It’s time to end America’s longest war

President Biden

The War on Terror in Afghanistan has continued for almost 20 years now and though the United States has dismantled the terror groups that threatened it and the majority of the World, it will still leave a void behind for the adversaries of the Afghan Government to capture. The Biden Administration has to ensure it does not leave in haste and allow the Taliban to capture the equipment left behind for the current Afghan Government (which has an under-trained Army with little to no passion and unity).

The US must ensure that regional powers don’t step in to take advantage of Afghanistan’s situation and steal the resources hidden deep beneath the terrains controlled by the Taliban. It will be interesting to see how the Peace Treaty with the Taliban unfolds and whether they will end up taking the majority share of the same government which they believe does not represent the majority (of ethnicities) in Afghanistan.

1% of Americans serve in our armed forces. The remaining 99% of them: We owe them.  We owe them.

President Biden

The Republicans have criticized the Biden Administration for announcing the exact date and have said it would allow “Terrorist safe havens” to be made inside Afghanistan, and though they may be right but to end the Never Ending War has the support of the majority of Americans who want their brave sons and daughters back home and they do not wish to participate in a war that has already costed over 7 Trillion Dollars.

“1% of Americans serve in our armed forces. The remaining 99% of them: We owe them.  We owe them.” said the President while praising the bravery and resolve of his troops. He also ensured to support the Afghan Government and continue the diplomatic and humanitarian work in Afghanistan without being involved militarily and without boots on ground.