
Taiwan on high alert after China launches ballistic missiles

by News Desk August 4, 2022

Taiwan is on high alert as China launches ballistic missiles near its waters while conducting its military drills in response to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit.

China, desperate for attention and to calm its nationalists that it gave fan to is taking reactive measures so that it can show that it’s ready for war and fan more flames of Chinese nationalism.

Taiwan, responding to China’s extreme reactions, is now on high alert for war and psychological warfare where it thinks China wants to isolate it from the World, seize trade routes and air control so the island loses support.

Flights to and from Taiwan have already been stopped as experts fear that China’s actions might initiate a black swan event and there is a disaster waiting to happen which China could use as an excuse.

As Taiwan, and the World urge for peace and calm, China with its high school bully attitude is doing whatever it can to pull the World into another war.