
China might fire missiles during Pelosi visit – warns Kirby

by News Desk August 2, 2022

China might fire missiles near Taiwan during Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, warns John Kirby.

Beijing might make an attempt to threaten the region and the US as the House Speaker heads for Taiwan on her Asia trip. The show of force can include missile strikes near Taiwan and coordinated military and naval drills.

Pelosi landed in Malaysia on Tuesday and is expected to head towards Taiwan after departing Singapore. Taiwan has always self-governed itself but China sees it as a breakaway province.

China considers Taiwan, that has always governed itself, a breakaway province. China’s real worry has always been the crucial Malacca Strait that controls over 60% of China’s trade. Controlling Taiwan would give it leverage in the South China Sea and naturally more strategic control over the Strait of Malacca.

The sole reason for China’s BRI – promoted as a lifeline for poorer nations only to then trick them in the infamous debt-trap – is to secure vital trade and choke points across the World’s most crucial straits and and trade routes.

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Beijing has already threatened the US over Pelosi’s reported visit and then launched its cannon-fodder army to attack and send death threats to the Speaker online. Taiwan however, has time and again said it’s ready to protect itself from any Chinese attack during Pelosi’s visit.

President Biden had suggested that the military was hesitant on the timing of the Speaker’s visit but NSC Spokesperson John Kirby has said that Pelosi has the ‘right to visit Taiwan’ and ‘make her own decisions.’

All eyes are now on China, whether it lives true to the unjustified drama it has created or backs out and once again exposes its usual bluff.