Why is the Left so worried about Twitter being “freed?”

When Elon Musk announced that he’s buying Twitter, he promised to make it fair and to let Freedom of Speech prevail. What that meant was that we’ll once again enjoy the freedom of saying and believing whatever we want before the internet was slowly hijacked by the far-Left through pressure tactics and regulatory blackmail.
Musk never said that the Left would now be censored, or only the Right would get the right of free speech, neither should he. What he clearly announced was the restoration of the lost balance, and this somehow is a very bad thing for the Left and the “woke” are fuming.
Be it Democrats like AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Adam Schiff, or the mainstream media or woke “rights” groups – the Left is fuming, but why?
Democracy today is Democracy censored.
Why? Because the Twitter that they worked so hard to turn into a den of sharing their leftist agenda will once again be free and fair to all. Their biggest fear now is people finding the truth and not the fairytale propaganda the Democrats want Americans to believe of everything and everyone is good and nice in this utopia of a World.
The Left is angry because we will be free to say and believe whatever we want, and it is hard to imagine how and why that’s a bad thing since we’re all Americans?
The Left’s top priority of controlling what Americans think can never be more clear than it is today. Their statements and reactions to this announcement – that should be cheered – expose it all.
For the Left, they get to decide where and to who the First Amendment applies, and it only applies to them. Whatever they say is always correct and has to be what everyone should follow. It doesn’t matter if they’re sharing fake news to promote their agenda, but if any piece from the right gets its facts wrong then that’s disinformation and must be stopped!
Democracy today is Democracy censored, and only time can tell what would happen if one political Party starts a monopoly and controls a large segment of the media, social media and businesses. It however, is already evident because that’s what we have been suffering from.
The ruling class has the right to decide what you should believe. They are wise, they are just, they are not Representatives, but rulers. It is only a matter of time before they tell us to eat cake when we’re out of food.
Our Representatives forgot they represent us and don’t rule us. Judging by how it is today, once elected they become superior and instead of solving our problems and giving us a voice, they become preachers and a voice for their own agenda and ideas.
What wrong have we done to question – let’s say – mask mandates? To question the border policies? To question our censorship? Isn’t it our right as Americans to enjoy Free Speech? Or are we less of an American than the very people we elect or give the opportunity to sit in big offices through the money we pay to run the economy?
We’re automatically racist for discussing the migrant crisis, we are automatically racist for supporting a movie cast that is not “racially balanced,” we are racist if we condemn Will Smith for assaulting Christ Rock, we are homophobic, transphobic, and whatever else there is for debating on why women’s sports must be protected and why the locker rooms of our girls must be safeguarded and their right to privacy respected.
We just cannot have debates because the rulers know best and they will just label us as racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc., not because we are but because they are afraid. They are afraid because they cannot defend their agenda so the only way further for them is to censor the opposing opinion and factchecks than to debate and prove their agenda is foolproof and is for the betterment for everyone and not just a segment of society that consists of a few million people.
How was the Left able to get away with this blatant Totalitarianism?
We would have been the first to criticize Elon Musk had he announced the censorship of the Left. No one, absolutely no one, has the right to censor anyone.
The Left was able to get away with this totalitarianism because all the major platforms were no longer supporting Free Speech.
They either banned the opinions or pieces that exposed the Left and where their agenda was plain wrong, or they brought in shadow bans – algorithms adjusted in such a way that any expose pieces or Conservative posts, videos, pictures, articles, etc., would just not go to the audience and would be left with a few thousand users unless they are heavily promoted through Conservative mediums.
What wrong have we done to question – let’s say – mask mandates? To question the border policies? To question our censorship? Isn’t it our right as Americans to enjoy Free Speech? Or are we less of an American than the very people we elect or give the opportunity to sit in big offices through the money we pay to run the economy?
Who gave politicians, the management of social media companies, and the mainstream media the right to decide what we should believe and say?
Disinformation is something that exposes itself. It cannot remain intact, and even if it fools a dozen people today it is bound to expose itself sooner or later and that is how it has worked since the time humans first communicated with each other. We have unparalleled examples, take Chinese disinformation, or Nazi Germany disinformation, the latter no longer exists and was known for its propaganda drives which were all exposed.
Why are the Democrats so hellbent on somehow censoring everyone but themselves and those following their supporters who they have brainwashed? Because they’re afraid.
They’re afraid not because the disinformation would hurt America but it would hurt their chances of winning elections.
It is slowly becoming quite evident that under all this mess and constant censorship, all the Democrats care about is representing America staying in power only to further their flawed agenda.
Just like we cannot tell others to live the way we want them to live, to buy what we want them to buy, to eat what we want them to eat. We cannot tell them to speak or believe what we want them to believe.
We can debate, we can have lengthy discussions, but at the end of the day we must remember that we are all Americans and we must respect our collective and individual beliefs. Some will agree with our opinion and change, others will be able to change us, but we cannot expect everyone to change.
If a person is on the wrong side of a topic then sooner or later they will find out and maybe change. The same applies to us as well.