The curious case of Chinese “news” orgs only covering America

The Conservative’s latest investigative report brings you the curious case of the state-controlled Chinese “news” organizations only covering America.
Visiting state-controlled Chinese websites and pages online that label themselves as “news” organizations shows a glaring contrast of the truth and Chinese propaganda against America.
Their objective – to spew their hate against America, spread disinformation and undermine American efforts towards peace.
It was given wind by the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Chinese propaganda pages fanned conspiracy theories that America ‘destroyed the country’ that was abandoned by its own Afghan political setup and China will somehow ‘save Afghanistan.’
Entire catalogues of conspiracy theories are used to spam social media websites and spread disinformation that shows the US as the big bad wolf.
Scores of “users” or bots with no public information or history of commenting that indicates they are real people comment entire books under a broad scheme prepared by the Chinese propaganda pages themselves.
The Chinese propaganda pages try hard to camouflage as a reliable media source but they fail because all they create is political rhetoric and propaganda against America.
All they care about is to somehow malign the US on every occasion. Report nothing but all the shootings in America, acts of racism, American policies and how “they would fail against harmonious superpower China.”

They report nothing about China
They report nothing about China, no crime, no news, no opinion pieces, no rhetoric against China’s political setup, etc. It’s only anti-America and 1% of it is some random clay pot makers, or some ancient Chinese word no one would ever use.
Why is that? Because they are state-controlled and have an objective. Their job is to spread disinformation.
The average American, European and East Asian won’t fall for this but the average African, South Asian, Central Asian and Russian will.
Propaganda pages are all controlled under China’s disinformation hivemind Global Times. The hivemind lays out the plan of action and gives out prepared lists for all the secret subsidiaries to propagate and spread lies part of the grand scheme that promotes Jinping’s China as the savior and blames America for everything bad happening in the World.

According to their propaganda, the US is always behind everything malignant happening in the World. All the authoritarian autocrats are good and Democracy is evil.
One man’s desires should always annihilate the people’s right to vote and decide what is best for them.
China does well to hide all sources of information from within. Because of no transparency and censorship of the internet, we will never know if there is a fire in any major Chinese city, if the Uyghur’s are being massacred, if crime is high in China …
Their state-controlled “news” organizations only care about disinformation against the US and EU, the West as a whole. Their objective is to only spread lies and fool the masses into believing cooked up stories.
They cleverly compare Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine with the War on Terror
“Why is the West worrying about Ukrainians dying when it did the same in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya?” They spread.
Purposefully ignoring the fact that our innocents were attacked first through cowardly bombs and we responded. To root out terrorism and ultimately protect the civilians of even the host country from that evil.

They cleverly try to mix two types of migrations, legal and illegal. Bots on these propaganda pages then call all of America and Europe racist to make the affected nationalist hate the West.
They purposefully ignore the fact that migration from a humanitarian crisis is different than the one where it’s organized and profited from through illegal channels.
The state-controlled Chinese propaganda pages have also purposefully ignored the fact that every country has a limit to accept refugees. If millions arrive at the border then the host country’s entire economy would be affected along with the livelihoods of its citizens.
It cannot take everyone in even if they are trying to come legally. The illegal immigration is an entire different topic with an entire industry making money.
How many refugees has China ever taken?
How many refugees has China taken in on humanitarian grounds? Did China not flatly refuse US requests to accept Afghan refugees escaping the war? When was the last time China took a single refugee fleeing violence?
Another interesting thing which was first exposed by The Conservative., raised questions about who these state-controlled Chinese “news” pages are for? They exist on global social media websites, but the Chinese from China cannot visit them!
They certainly aren’t there to brainwash the already brainwashed Chinese, but the international audience. Their sole job – to fool those unaware about the truth of the subject at hand and trick them into spewing hate against America.
One of America’s strength is its patience but that is exploited as well
One of America’s strengths is its patience against propaganda. All Authoritarian/Totalitarian regimes spew venom and spread disinformation against America, but no one from the State Department, White House or any representative from D.C., responds or clarifies because in Democracy, everyone has the right to free speech and can say whatever they feel like even if they are coordinated lies.
In the long run, those lies do ultimately expose themselves but America’s patience against propaganda also works for its enemies. They use its silence to fan the flames of their disinformation drives.
Although, no disinformation drives are run against China or any other Authoritarian/Totalitarian regime, or non-Democracy. Yet they instantly respond through their Foreign Office when are exposed for ethnic cleansings, censorship and human rights violations.
They feel the need to respond even if civilians from the host country share something against China or a non-Democracy, and if someone from the country’s media says something then there will be an uproar with the host country being pressurized to penalize the journalist(s) said something against China.
The news report would be declared as “vile,” “dog” propaganda against China ‘spread by China’s enemies and paid by the US.’
To China, if any country’s civilians say something against it then that has an affect on bilateral relations. This loop is cleverly used by the Chinese to further their objective – get non-Chinese to rally against the US while criticizing and labelling the truth about its schemes as disinformation.
The host country is pressurized to take action against the journalist reporting the truth and exposing China. If it fails to take action then that would be bad for bilateral relations and China would be ‘forced to rethink its investment strategy in the country and pull some investments out.’
The Conservative., has already exposed the Chinese nationalist online propaganda army – China’s woke army that loves small noses and big eyes – China’s attempts to inject money into Afghanistan for its lithium reserves and to ensnare it in its infamous debt-trap – and has now exposed the curious case of Chinese “news” organizations only covering America.