
Russia plays mind games; gives deadline to hit Kyiv ISPs and Info centers

by News Desk March 1, 2022

After being stunned by Ukraine’s response to its unprovoked attack, Russia has now resorted to mind games and has ‘warned’ Kyiv residents living near the buildings of the city’s Internet Service Providers and the country’s Information Centers to leave the areas ahead of supposed missile strikes that would “destroy information attacks aimed at Russia.”

Russia has sent out a direct threat to the country’s journalists and information labs that are actively thwarting Russian propaganda intending to demoralize Ukrainian troops.

The Russian Defense Ministry has issued the warning while reports of the country’s Parliament being targeted float. Russia has claimed that it would only ‘target civilian sites’ “spewing venom” against Russia in what it calls to be “precision strikes.”

Some experts fear Russia could end up targeting the country’s Parliament and then pretend to have made a fatal error.

Ukraine’s Defense Minister however, has called the Russian warnings of an imminent attack to be another attempt to spread disinformation and play “psychological” games after its earlier schemes – that claimed the ‘Ukrainian President had fled’ or ‘Ukrainian troops have organized a mutiny’ – failed.

This warning has been dubbed as “fake news” by Ukraine, but no one really knows what’s going on inside the mind of Vladimir Putin. To him, if taking Ukraine’s entire capital out can appease his ego, then he will not think twice.

As the war rages on, the once thin stream of information is now turning into an ocean. We can no longer know which information will hold true as entire landscapes change in a matter of seconds.

This could be a real warning, it could be fake news, or it could be a ploy to hit Ukraine’s Parliament. Whatever it is, at the end of the day, it will hit Ukrainians.