
President Biden addresses the nation on the Ukraine crisis

President Biden addresses the nation on the Ukraine crisis at the White House. His first broadcast since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of Russian troops in Eastern Ukraine.

Eastern Ukraine is in turmoil as the pro-Russia separatists clash with the Ukrainian military, violating the Minsk agreement.

Putin had ordered the deployment of Russian troops in the separatist regions of Ukraine on Monday.

“The beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine,” stated President Biden on Russia’s recognition of the two separatist-held regions in Eastern Ukraine.

President Biden then proceeded to impose sanctions on Russia over the intolerable actions.

“I’m going to begin to impose sanctions in response, far beyond the steps we and our allies and partners implemented in 2014, and if Russia goes further with this invasion we stand prepared to go further with sanctions,” continued the President. “This is a flagrant violation of international law and demands a firm response from the international community.”

“We have no intention of fighting Russia. We want to send an unmistakable message though, that the United States together with our allies will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we made to NATO,” the President confirmed the stance of the US and allies on the Ukraine crisis.

President Biden also confirmed the discontinuation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. It will “not move forward” told Biden, calling it a part of the sanctions against Russia on the Ukraine crisis.

“Russia will pay a steeper price if it continues its aggression, including additional sanctions,” he added.

“We’re ready to respond with unity, clarity and conviction,” Biden affirmed.

“I’m hoping diplomacy is still available,” said Biden as he concluded his speech.