
Viral video shows CCP hack stopping Olympic coverage

by News Desk February 5, 2022

A video which shows a Chinese official trying to end the LIVE broadcast of a Dutch media channel at the Winter Olympics in Beijing has gone viral.

The correspondent was pulled away by security officials and the network says this is a “daily routine for journalists” in China. The reporter remained unharmed and was able to conclude his story after the incident.

The viral video shows the Chinese official pushing the reporter away from the camera as he was continuing with his story.

The Chinese ‘officials’ who pushed the reporter were actually “security volunteers,” or “social credit farmers” who did not like the view taken as the background which was not representing the “beauty of China.” Some users online pointed that the view was probably spreading ‘disharmony’ because China was busy showing the opening ceremony’s scripted sequences to the World.

CCP hacks attack foreign journalist

Online users also pointed out how China openly enjoys its privileges – with the movie industry and major brands supporting it and doing whatever the country wants – while committing gross human rights abuses at the same time.

The US, UK, Canada, Australia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belgium, India, Kosovo and Denmark have refrained from sending diplomats to the Winter Olympics in China over the gross human rights abuses committed under the leadership of its authoritarian leader and the CCP.

China is desperately trying to show its “harmonious” side to the World and anyone who does not show the scripted scenes is censored or attacked by its domestic and/or online army.