
Senate repels attack on filibuster

by News Desk January 20, 2022

The Senate has defended the Filibuster by stopping Sen. Schumer’s “nuclear option” to end it and get the radical “voting reforms” bulldozed.

In a 48-52 vote, the Senate decided against ending the Filibuster. Democratic Senators Manchin and Sinema jumped ship and sided with the Republicans to protect Democracy.

Both the Democratic Senators had made it clear that they would not support any radical move that would damage Democracy and the system of checks and balances.

Although, Majority Leader Schumer had proposed to only remove the Filibuster for the radical “voting reforms” bills, it wasn’t enough to convince his fellow congressmembers to end the process of checks and balances and pass bills without consensus and debate.

How can Sen. Schumer – or anyone for that matter – justify such a radical move which would enable the Executive to get whatever it wants with a simple majority instead of the 60 votes which ascertain and promote consensus building along with debate?

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Today, the Senate is almost equally divided, and VP Kamala Harris plays the role of the tiebreaker.

Yet Biden, and the Democrats think they have the right and power to become authoritarian and bypass Congress by turning it into a carnival.

Without the Filibuster, bills would be bulldozed through Congress without the crucial unanimous support or debate that would only make the bill(s) better and unite Americans.

Sen. Sinema had made it clear that she would support nothing that would further divide the country. Sen. Manchin too said that such a radical move to allow any political Party with a simple majority to get complete control of the Senate would “only pour fuel on the fire of political whiplash.”

He added that “protecting” the role of the minority has protected America from “volatile” political swings.

Progressives have long demanded the annihilation of the Filibuster. Without it, any Party with a simple majority – 51 votes – will be given the weapon of bypassing the Senate which would then be a mere debating club with the Executive having the power of a King.

Without the Filibuster, the system of checks and balances will forever be lost. All the power, handed to the Executive and the ruling Party.

So why are the Democrats trying to make such radical moves and that too with such urgency? – its an election year…

The Democrats are desperate. They know a change is coming and they might lose their simple majority. A Republican majority in both the House and Senate would be devastating for Biden – and the far-Left – who with a majority in Congress has failed to fulfill his key promises.

Whether it’s getting the “Build Back Better Agenda” passed, to the radical “voting reforms,” to overturn the migrant crisis, to controlling the sky-high inflation, to a subtle withdrawal from Afghanistan, to the supply chain crisis, to the COVID testing kit crisis, the Biden Administration has failed in all.

With nothing to sell, all the Democrats have now is to somehow reignite the forgotten Jan. 06 episode, and to turn the Republicans controversial and label them as racists “stealing” the vote.

Biden has already raised doubts over the midterms’ results! Ironic isn’t it? What would have happened had Trump or any Republican had done this? It would have been mayhem. They would have asked for another impeachment for undermining election integrity long before the elections!

The Democrats are not only desperate, but confused.

Their flipflop of tactics is only highlighting their anxiety. With Biden’s approval rating slumping every month, and Americans no longer caring about what happened on January 06, the Democrats are in search of something controversial that could turn the tide in their favor.

We don’t know what that is but this is why you’re suddenly seeing them being so active and calling the system unfair. They knew their attempts to nuke the Filibuster would fail, but still tried – why? To generate controversy of course.

All they do is throw a bunch of red herrings every few days, in countless attempts to somehow divert attention from Biden’s long list of failures.

Time will tell whether they succeed or not, but if Americans realize exactly what they’re doing – then we know how it would end.