Biden, Harris eye midterms and dump “time to heal America”

When Biden took office, he presented a message of “unity” and “healing” a “divided America.” Now that the midterms are right around the corner, he dumps it all and takes aim at Trump supporters to rally the lost Democratic support because of the never-ending crises.
In his nearly 30-minute speech, Biden, accused President Trump and his supporters of holding a “dagger to the throat of America.”
He said that we are in a “battle for the soul of America.” It is Democracy versus an “Autocratic strongman,” according to Biden.
President Biden also called the Jan. 06 riot “an armed insurrection,” and accused President Trump of preventing “a peaceful transfer of power.”
Kamala Harris took the stand as well and said that “if we don’t defend it, Democracy will not stand.”
The Jan. 06 incident was condemned by Americans, and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle – Biden and Harris are once again trying to revive it just to use it for their midterm ambitions.
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They want Americans to forget the supply chain crisis, the migrant crisis, the Afghan debacle, the rising inflation, the COVID testing kits crisis, etc.
Instead – according to them, we need to focus on something that was condemned by everyone and made Americans feel ashamed. Instead of unifying us, Biden turned what could have been a day of remembrance and healing to a political battle.
Biden, and Democrats know they might lose that razor-thin majority in the House and Senate. With nothing else to sell – because of the Biden Administration’s poor performance, and not keeping its radical promises – they are now trying to beat a dead horse and reuse ol’ reliable.
‘Save Democracy,’ ‘defeat autocracy,’ etc., are set to become the midterm slogans for the Democrats. The slogans partnered with the perfectly timed Jan. 06 Commission, are touted to be an effective backup plan to hide Biden’s failures and attract that lost Leftist-voter.
Question is, will the Leftist-voter fall for it this time? Will they forget the sky high inflation? All the aforementioned crises? The record number of migrant detentions? Only time will answer that, but apart from the Jan. 06 riots, the Democrats have nothing else to use.
If you support the Democrats and are still angry at what happened on January 06, then Biden has easily got your vote once again.
The election year is here! Dump the message for unity! Cash in on political segregation!
What we are going to see is Democrats ignoring the real issues and create this hysteria of Democracy being in danger. Time will tell if it’s successful or not, but why are we being divided? We’re all Americans.