AOC attacks the Supreme Court after destroying law enforcement morale

Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has attacked the Supreme Court of the United States just hours after Justices heard arguments in a Mississippi abortion case.
The court will make its decision in the middle of next year, but Democrats have already launched their dangerous attacks on the Supreme Court and its Honorable Justices.
AOC is the latest to attack the court and took to twitter to undermine the credibility of the Judges.
She, along with other Democrats have already reduced law enforcement morale with their political slogans and stunts for political gain.
Now, they’re attacking the top court for a purpose we don’t understand. Do they want to pressurize the Justices into doing something Unconstitutional? Or do they want to attack the Supreme Court? Sort of like an “insurrection”?
Out of 9 justices, 3 were appointed by a man who tried to overthrow the US government (& elected via minority).
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said in a tweet.
Those 3 will decide whether the US will legalize forcing people to give birth against their will.
She added.
Ocasio-Cortez went on further, and dangerously said that the Supreme Court Justices are “dismantling” the “consent of the governed.”
Legitimacy requires consent of the governed. They are dismantling it
She concluded.
This isn’t the first time they have tried to politicize the SCOTUS
This isn’t the first time Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and other Democrats have tried to politicize the Supreme Court Justices.
The Justices indeed have personal beliefs, but they will never let those influence their decisions.
They have spent their entire lives practicing and learning what the likes of Ocasio-Cortez might never be able to do. They are not politicians, and they know that. They are perfect at what they do, and that is why hold those positions.
If a case is brought forward, they look at the Constitution, and the set precedent, along with the rights of every individual whether born, or in this case might be still in the womb.
Democrats are busy attacking the Justices, but if the other side does it then that’s an “insurrection.”
Are the Democrats politicizing the Supreme Court on purpose?
Are the Democrats politicizing the Supreme Court on purpose? Their calls to dismantle, and defund the Police have brought huge waves of crime in Democrat-run cities.
Do they now want to attack the Supreme Court, and try to pressurize the Judges into doing something they want, and not within the realm of the law?
The Supreme Court Justices know what can happen if trust is lost in the American legal system, if they go political, or let their personal beliefs influence their decisions.
They are well aware of it all. More than anyone else.
AOC and other Democrats are trying to make the Justices controversial because they fear that they might follow the Constitution, and give rights to those still inside the womb.
Before trying to politicize the Supreme Court, Rep. AOC and other squad members should learn what their calls of defunding the Police led to.
Minneapolis rejects radical idea of replacing Police Department
They are living happily in their guarded houses, and the guarded Capitol building. They act as if they understand what the common person is going through, but they don’t.
Rhetoric against the Supreme Court, and law can only bring anarchy, and the Court can do whatever it can in its power to stop that from happening, and maybe hold politicians in contempt for once?