
So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?

by News Desk December 1, 2021
So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?
Credit: Thomas Hawk

Estranged former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s sex harassment investigation has once again shed light on just how much wrong there was in his toxic Administration, and the toxic people around him.

Andrew Cuomo resigned a week New York Attorney General’s report found him in violation of state and federal laws. According to the report, Cuomo had sexually harassed up to 11 women.

He resigned to save the chances of a rerun, as an impeachment would have ended his political career forever.

His resignation came a day after the resignation of one of his top aides, Melissa DeRosa, who was also the alleged hivemind of his entire response, and the toxicity inside his Administration.

Chris Cuomo’s problems, CNN’s problems, and the problems for journalism as a whole start with his behind the scenes activities.

Chris Cuomo behind the scenes

Back when Andrew Cuomo was first accused by Lindsey Boylan. Chris Cuomo, got involved behind the scenes, (as previously reported), and insisted that the draft be as “contrite” as possible.

While Melissa DeRosa wanted a blunt response given to Lindsey Boylan. Chris, along with some of the other saner members of the group wanted a toned down version of the draft which sympathized with the victim(s), and made Andrew Cuomo come out teary eyed, with his voice breaking, and in actuality, reading a script prepared by a dozen or so people.

In the same response, Andrew Cuomo would also deny the allegations, while being full of remorse.

Andrew Cuomo indeed went with the latter, and we saw it all happen LIVE on TV. He came out, and was full of remorse, but only reading a script.

Newer evidence shows Chris Cuomo’s deep involvement

As newer evidence has been released, it has shown Melissa DeRosa, maybe unintentionally, highlighting how much baby Cuomo was involved in his brother’s affairs, and the handling of his response to the sexual harassment allegations.

Incase you missed our thorough breakdown: Toxic culture, Chris Cuomo involvement, “contrite” script – Exposed

Not only was Chris Cuomo involved in the the alleged draft that would have gone after Andrew Cuomo’s first accuser Lindsey Boylan (if the sane members of the group hadn’t convinced Melissa DeRosa to back off). He also allegedly used his sources to gather dirt on Cuomo’s accusers, and as he’d like to call one of them, “the wedding girl,” Anna Ruch.

In the interview with investigators, DeRosa confirmed that Chris Cuomo had even advised the Administration on how to respond to the allegations made by Charlotte Bennett.

Melissa DeRosa, who herself was exposed for giving rise to the toxic culture that Cuomo’s Administration was suspected of, further in her interview, told investigators that Chris Cuomo gave her “unsolicited advice,” and she never paid attention to “half of” what baby Cuomo sent her.

  • So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?
  • So how does Chris Cuomo still have a job?

DeRosa clearly didn’t like Chris Cuomo advising her, as she told investigators that he gave advice without actually understanding what Bennett had said, and what happened with her.

Chris Cuomo also insisted to help DeRosa, and Andrew Cuomo’s other aides in the preparation of the then-Governor’s response.

(You can find it all in our thorough breakdown of the damning report by the New York Attorney General).

Journalism as a whole has lost trust because of Chris Cuomo, and CNN

With newer evidence, we now know that Chris Cuomo had actually lied to the people when he came back after being off-air for a while.

Chris had said that he’s a “brother,” and “not an advisor.” We don’t think anyone is now sure whether he was a brother, an advisor, or actually the de facto PR Chief of the Cuomo Administration.

His deep involvement has not only raised question marks on him, but journalism as a whole. How can a journalist use his/her sources to protect the interests of those around them?

He did all this while being at CNN. He did all this while coming out daily, and “exposing” the hypocrisy, and “stupidity,” of others. He did all this while “fact-checking,” and “debunking” others. He did all this while preaching what is morally right, and what is morally wrong.

Who gave a journalist the right to become the judge, and the jury? To decide whether Andrew Cuomo is guilty, or innocent?

Who gave a journalist the right to use his journalistic resources, and relations to help those they see fit, or support?

How are CNN, and Chris Cuomo still getting away with this?

How is CNN still claiming to be thoroughly investigating when the evidence is clear? How are Chris Cuomo, and CNN getting away with this? Chris Cuomo’s involvement has not only put his journalistic ethics in the bin, but also CNN’s.

These questions will forever be raised. They will only end once CNN goes through a thorough remodeling, and tries to gain back the sacred trust it has long lost, after it became a mouthpiece of various agendas, and the preaching ground for people trying to become famous.

Is CNN a network that secretly helps protect, and use its resources to give out intel to politicians? Especially those accused of sexual harassment? Is CNN a network that has its employees do PR work for politicians?

CNN must follow Time’s Up to come out clean. The women’s anti-harassment organization’s top brass was shown to be involved in Andrew Cuomo’s response, and now the entire organization is going through a shakeup.

We can only imagine what CNN, and the rest of the media would have done, had any other journalist been caught trying to save their brother, or secretly advising politicians.

The sacred trust that journalism has lost

It sadly isn’t just hypocrisy anymore. It’s how deep rooted media “fanboyism” and saving their own has become.

It isn’t about reporting the truth, or investigating. It’s just saving your own because your agenda would otherwise be hurt. This is why the media has lost the sacred trust of the people.

We’re no one to judge, but what happened to the CNN of the 80s, and 90s?

The network has now become a joke, and it’s all because of the “journalists” running it, and supporting their favorite Party, politicians, agenda, etc.

CNN needs to come out clean, as it’s no longer only about them. Journalism as a whole is at risk, not because CNN carries some mighty standards, and is going down, but because of what those at CNN have done, and are doing all while calling themselves journalists.

People would soon stop trusting all media outlets, and journalists because of CNN’s lack of transparency, and antics.

They would stop reading, and listening to reports made by other journalists all because a big network like CNN, and/or those bigshots at CNN are playing with the people’s trust.

The only way out of this for journalism is if CNN becomes transparent, stops becoming the mighty know-it-all, and does a complete reset.