
Don Lemon attacks Kyle Rittenhouse case judge; calls him racist

by News Desk November 12, 2021
Lord Don Lemon attacks Kyle Rittenhouse case judge; calls him racist

Lord Don Lemon, a judge, legal scholar, racial expert, and everything else, has attacked the Judge in Kyle Rittenhouse’s case.

Lemon has called the Judge to “maybe” be racist and accused him of treating Kyle Rittenhouse “as if he was his grandson.”

He also found the Judge’s lashing of the Prosecutor, “unusual and concerning.” Saying how it shows that the American justice system needs to be reformed.

Lemon also suggested that Judge Bruce Schroeder could be “racist” because of a joke he made in the courtroom about Asian food.

“Does he [Schroeder] need to make jokes about Asian food not arriving because it’s on a boat in Long Beach, California? Whether he was being racist towards Asians, or insensitive or not?”

Judge Schroeder prior to a recess said that he hopes “Asian food isn’t coming, isn’t from one of those boats from Long Beach.” Maybe the Judge was referring to the delays caused by the issues at the California port, and not at all being racist?

Lemon argued that Judge Schroeder’s behavior was not normal. “Political pundits” have told him that Schroeder has a history of being “pro-prosecution.” In this case however, the “political pundits” find him to allegedly be “pro-defense.”

Prosecutor Thomas Binger was reprimanded by Judge Schroeder on Wednesday after he was found to be bringing in a rejected testimony during the cross-examination of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Binger did not give an advance notice to the court and apologized for his actions.

Lord Don Lemon however, did not like the treatment of the prosecutor. He found the Judge’s “yelling” to be “problematic.” Lemon also “thinks” that it is “not normal.”

If that wasn’t enough, Lemon while citing “television analysts,” said “[they] seem to think that there is bias towards the defense.”

Lemon, who knows all the facts and is always right, also accused the Judge of “treating Kyle Rittenhouse as if he was his grandson.”

While trying to make sense of his argument as the host looked on, Lemon said that “no one needs to be berated in a courtroom,” but before saying that, maybe Lord Don Lemon should actually go to court for a few days and see how it’s always like and why it’s a very tough job?

Don Lemon should know that the basics of law tell us that “No two cases are the same.” Anyone who says otherwise has never studied or understood law and the judicial system.

Don Lemon’s attack on Judge Schroeder shows how he and most of the media are unaware of how the courts work. A judge doesn’t follow precedent to side with the prosecution or defense. A judge would automatically call out where either side is wrong.

To say that Judge Schroeder has a history of being “pro-prosecution” is bizarre. It also undermines his credibility and with that all the decisions he has made throughout his life as a judge.

You cant just randomly pick on a judge because you have already decided the verdict. If you make a judge controversial today for your own benefit, or to benefit your agenda, then you’re raising doubt over all the decisions he/she has made throughout their lifetime.

Don Lemon, watching a few minutes of half a dozen cases, reading a few lines quoted by reporters working throughout the day, comes on TV and easily says that “maybe this is evidence that we need to reform our court system and criminal justice system.”

He decides, or rather starts giving his opinion for reform after citing only a few reactions in a single case that he’s personally interested in.

Lord Don Lemon has suddenly become a Judicial activist, maybe he should tell us how many cases he has thoroughly studied, their impacts on society and the precedent they followed or established?

We’re going to leave all the legal scholars aside and listen to our great Lord Don Lemon…

The same guy who said “don’t get the vaccine? Cant go to the supermarket. Don’t have a vaccine? Cant go to the ballgame. Don’t have the vaccine? Cant go to work. Don’t have the vaccine? Cant come here, no shirt, no shoes, no service. That’s where I think we should be right now.”

The same guy who ignored the fact that the prosecutor’s actions are provoking a mistrial. That the Jury was not listening to anything the Judge had said… That the Judge scolded the prosecutor because there was already a ruling on the issue, and he did not give an advance notice… That the prosecutor apologized for not doing so…

The Judge’s reaction would be the same had the defense also made similar attempts after being warned. Judge Schroeder clearly stated that the prosecutor was experienced, and he did not expect such moves from him.

Lord Don Lemon… Ignored this and went after the Honorable Judge doing what judges are supposed to do.