
Mexican National Guard fires on migrant truck, kills one

by News Desk November 2, 2021
Mexican National Guard fires on truck, kills one
Border Patrol agents apprehended another large number of individuals inside a tractor-trailer during a failed human smuggling attempt in north Laredo - July 13, 2020

Monday – The Mexican National Guard fired on a pickup truck carrying migrants and ramming into a patrol car while attempting to avoid a checkpoint.

One migrant was killed in the incident, while four others were wounded. According to Chiapas prosecutors, the man killed was Cuban. His complete identity was not provided.

The shooting occurred just 25 miles away from the large Central American swarm heading for Mexico City on foot. This string however, was not part of that larger swarm.

Mexican National Guard released a statement explaining that the truck ignored calls to stop. Authorities opened fire after it rammed into a patrol vehicle near the town of Pijijiapan.

The truck was carrying a total of 13 migrants, the majority being from Cuba, while some from Ghana. Mexican authorities have arrested the driver, while the injured were taken to a local hospital.

A rifle was also found inside the truck, according to prosecutors from the Mexican state of Chiapas.

Mexico has been battling the various buffed swarms for months, whose final destination is the United States. Thousands of migrants are walking towards Mexico’s Northern Border. They are hopeful of being released inside the US like some of the Haitian migrants.

Experts are deeming this to only be the beginning of what is to come.

Why are they coming?

President Biden’s promises of an open border and welcoming illegal immigrants during the campaign trail has resulted in historical migrant surges.

The Administration since then has told migrants not to come, but those calls fell on deaf ears.

Years and years of promises created an atmosphere of “hope,” and the migrants believe breaking laws and entering illegally is the best thing they can do.

Can we trust them?

The short answer (unfortunately for the migrants) is No. To understand why, we must dive in deeper into the crisis and the people behind it.

Along with the desperate, arrive the criminals. Without proper vetting and the system that is in place for a reason, we can never know who is entering, and whether they are innocent or have a lengthy criminal history.

Dozens of illegal immigrants end up committing the worst crimes. Countless others attempting to enter have a criminal background, or commit crimes once inside the US and/or at the migrant trail.

Please read our Exclusive anatomy of the migrants behind the crisis to fully understand.

As we can never know who is innocent and who is a criminal, without the system and proper background checks, etc. We need to bolster it and ascertain no criminal slips through instead of damaging or completely removing it.

By doing this, we will also eliminate the encouragement the Cartels get from policies like “Catch and Release,” the very recent alleged plans of paying $450k to illegals, and the unrealistic Democratic promises that sound good and utopian but are actually dystopian after implementation.

The criminals and Cartels don’t care about our feelings. They don’t care if we help the innocent, the victims, and do the humane thing. The only thing they care about is exploitation, and money.

They won’t think for one second before exploiting loopholes in our system and in our society.

They see the migrant swarms as goldmines, giving them loans and/or drugs to sell once inside the US, or taking their money to give them the better route leading them to the US.

Countless gangs like MS-13 exist because of illegal immigrants. The Central and South American Cartel networks are wholly based on human, sex, and drug-trafficking.

For them, the innocent migrants are nothing but pawns readily available for exploitation.

As Americans, we also have the responsibility to stop this exploitation. The only way to do that is if we ascertain that no illegal entries would be welcome.

What’s next after the Mexican National Guard shooting?

As Mexico is tightening the grip around human trafficking, telling truckers not to carry migrants. The migrants this time, have started taking a different approach of completing the journey on foot.

In the past, the migrant swarms used to travel in trucks and trains once inside Mexico. Now, they are all walking in the Sun and openly on roads.

They are all headed towards their final destination – The United States.