
Ernest Lee Johnson executed after 27 years

by News Desk October 6, 2021

The state of Missouri executed Ernest Lee Johnson on Tuesday after he spent 27 years on death row.

Johnson was convicted of killing three employees at a convenience store in 1994.

He had asked to be executed by a firing squad but his request was denied by the Missouri Supreme Court. He was scheduled to be executed at 6PM by lethal injection instead.

A couple of Democrats from Missouri along with Pope Francis had pled for Johnson’s mercy, but the Governor rejected their pleas.

The 61-year-old’s lawyers tried to have his execution cancelled or delayed by arguing that he suffered from an intellectual disability.

Johnson had a tumor removed from his brain and his lawyers as well as those petitioning for clemency argued that because of the condition his execution was unconstitutional.

The execution comes after the Supreme Court of the US denied to intervene and halt the proceedings.

Johnson was sentenced to death in 1995 after he was convicted for the killings of Mable Scruggs, Mary Bratcher and Fred Jones inside a Casey’s store in 1994.

He had used a hammer and a screwdriver in the ghastly killings, according to the authorities.

In his last statement, Ernest Lee Johnson apologized for his acts and expressed “remorse.”

He said that he loved his family, friends, and thanked his lawyers as well as those who prayed for him.

Ernest Lee Johnson's last statement - Missouri Department of Corrections.
Ernest Lee Johnson’s last statement – Missouri Department of Corrections.