Why does Jen Psaki always have that constipated look?

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki comes out for media briefings and from the first question, she starts exhibiting an intense face.
A face that shows how tired she is and wants to go back into her office. Tired of all the bulls*it.
Now, taking questions from the media can be a tiring job, especially when the Administration is busy creating a dozen crises.
But Psaki hasn’t even faced 1% of what the Press Secretaries of the Trump Administration combated.
The media isn’t even screaming at her, nor interrupting her continuously.
There are two kinds of people in this World, one is those who have the ability to keep a poker face and not emit their love or disgust, and then there’s those who clearly show how they are feeling.
Jen Psaki comes in the second category. The minute a tough question appears, we can see that look on her face.
To double it down, she responds in what she believes to be a sassy way but is actually distasteful.
She starts off by walking up to the podium with a smile, which quickly disappears as questions start rising.

Even her stiff body language dispels all the casual and media friendly effects she tries to cast.
In an attempt to get relatable with the younger generations, Psaki starred in a bizarre video with an “influencer.”
If the video already wasn’t plain terrible from the get go, Psaki’s stiff body language made it worse.
After responding to a question she doesn’t like, Psaki is always quick to take questions from another reporter, only to be called out and then shutting the previous reporter down.
We can only guess why she has that constipated look on her face, and maybe it’s because of the anger she has inside.
Maybe not anger but the audacity of the media to ask tough questions, that in her mind require no explanation.
She probably has a punching doll in her office that she goes back and destroys after taking questions.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein
“No one is free, even birds are chained to the sky” – Bob Dylan
“Go ahead… I think we gotta move on. I think we have to move on you had plenty of time today! Go ahead! – Jen Psaki