
Female service member assaulted by male Afghan evacuees at Fort Bliss

FBI is investigating an alleged assault on a female US service member by a “small group of male Afghan evacuees” at Fort Bliss.

“We received the referral from Fort Bliss and our office is investigating the allegation,” FBI Public Affairs Officer Special Agent Jeanette Harper confirmed to Fox News. 

This comes after 2 Afghan evacuees were subjected to criminal charges for sexual assault on a minor and domestic abuse at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin.

The assault took place at Fort Bliss’ Doña Ana Complex in New Mexico and was reported on September 19.

“We can confirm a female service member supporting Operation Allies Welcome reported being assaulted on Sept. 19 by a small group of male evacuees at the Doña Ana Complex in New Mexico,” the 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss Public Affairs said in an emailed statement, acquired by Fox News.

“We take the allegation seriously and appropriately referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The safety and well-being of our service members, as well as all of those on our installations, is paramount,” it added.

How do we know the Afghans coming are not a threat?

The statement also ensured additional security measures at the complex, and also support for the assaulted service member.

“Task Force-Bliss is also implementing additional security measures to include increased health and safety patrols, additional lighting, and enforcement of the buddy system at the Dona Ana Complex,” the statement read further.

“We will cooperate fully with the FBI and will continue to ensure the service member reporting this assault is fully supported.”