
Afghanistan: Taliban tell women workers to stay home

The Taliban appointed mayor of Kabul is ordering the government’s women workers who cannot be replaced by men to stay at home.

Hamdullah Namony, Kabul’s interim mayor said the women employees of the city government are to stay at home until further decisions are made, according to the Associated Press.

Only women that cannot be replaced by men, including skilled workers in the design and engineering departments as well as female attendants of public toilets for women are allowed to work, told Hamdullah on Sunday.

The Taliban had announced to respect women’s rights in accordance to the Islamic Law after coming to power last month.

However, the Taliban interim government’s latest decisions point towards the deprivation of basic human-rights for the women of Afghanistan.

Last week, only boys were ordered to continue schools.

The Taliban plans are withholding secondary education for girls until a “secure transportation system” is established.

Women are allowed in universities but must don the burqa.

The Afghan women started a trend on social media, posting pictures wearing colorful dresses to protest against the burqa requirement.