
Migrant Crisis: Fresh swarm of migrants arrives at Southern border

by News Desk September 17, 2021

About 11,000 migrants have arrived at the Southern border in an attempt to get inside the US and further ignite the migrant crisis.

To protect themselves from the scorching heat, the migrants have settled under a border bridge that connects the city of Del Rio to Mexico’s Ciudad Acuña.

Most of them are from Haiti where a devastating earthquake combined with the rise of political instability has encouraged Haitians to flee and overburden the US immigration system.

This string of migrants doesn’t care whether they are caught as their main objective is to be apprehended in order to be heard and have their “applications” processed.

They believe that getting caught would certify their entry to the United States after having some sort of applications approved.

This may be a hint towards what the Cartels instruct the migrants as “catch and release” is back so the migrants would be given a hearing date while being released on US soil.

The anatomy of the migrants behind the crisis

In the scorching heat, the personnel of the US Border Patrol are guarding the borders where a wall or a fortified fencing system would have helped greatly.

We cannot even imagine what the Border Patrol would have met with if there was absolutely no wall or fence around the border.

We might have seen hundreds of thousands if not millions get inside the US illegally.

The Biden Administration, all thanks to the promises it made during the campaign trail is facing record-breaking migrant surges.

The migrant detentions reached a 21-year high in July, and the Biden Administration was criticized for not allowing the media to cover the situation at the border.

Various videos circulating online exposed how badly the Administration failed at keeping the border and the communities near it safe.

Migrants were seen in overcrowded facilities in tinfoil sheets and concerns for the spread of COVID were raised as the Border Patrol too were risking their lives while being in those facilities 24/7.

Around 200,000 migrants were apprehended just last month, thousands away from breaking the record set in July.

The crisis seems to have no end since the promises that were made emitted hope, and even though Biden afterwards told people not to come, they still do.

Had the Biden team like President Trump been clear from Day 0, of not tolerating any illegal entries, then we would have had a very different outcome.

Earlier today, after settling underneath the bridge, the migrants were seen bathing in the Rio Grande river that provides drinking water to over 6 million people.

While the migrants are encamped there, some groups are heading back towards the Mexican cities in order to gather supplies either to give away for free or to sell.

Apart from the Haitians, many Cubans, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans are also present, attempting to cross and/or sit in the makeshift camps waiting to be let in.

To facilitate an orderly process, the Border Patrol has deployed more personnel.

They have also provided the migrants with portable toilets, drinking water and towels.

Their job is far from over, and we can only imagine how difficult it is for them to combat this deepening crisis without a minute of relaxation.

Since Biden took office, he has paused the construction of the border wall, and under him the US has seen a record-breaking influx of migrants.

Funds allocated for the local communities will eventually be spent on the humanitarian aid required to feed and/or treat those sitting in the camps.

This Administration is met with crisis after crisis, all or most of them created by the Administration itself.