
DOJ sues Texas over Heartbeat Act

by News Desk September 9, 2021

The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas over the freshly passed law that prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

The Heartbeat Act was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in May and passed last Wednesday.

It forbids all abortions after a heartbeat is detected inside the womb.

The act also gives individuals the right to sue abortion clinics or those who help women get abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat.

Attorney General Merrick Garland along with his deputy and associate called the law unconstitutional under the long-established Supreme Court precedent.

Garland also warned of the law paving a path for other states to follow, which according to him would violate others’ constitutionally protected rights.

Just a few days ago, AG Garland had said his department was quickly exploring options to challenge the state of Texas in order to protect women’s constitutional rights.

President Biden had already shown his displeasure over the Supreme Court 5-4 decision not to block the law, and today the Attorney General has formally sued Texas.

Biden had also promised to use all means necessary to protect Roe v. Wade, after the media, Democrats and leftist activists spread moronic conspiracy theories for months.

The moronic theories allege the Supreme court of conspiring with the Republicans to take down Roe v. Wade.

Apart from women’s rights, if abortion rates somehow do go down then the multi-billion dollar abortion industry would also crumble.

Ending incomes of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people in the process.

Although, it is illegal to sell the fetuses even for research purposes, getting an abortion does not come cheap and could cost up to a $1000.

Gov. Abbott has responded to the lawsuit in a statement where he alleges the Biden Administration of diverting attention from the Afghan crisis.