
Chinese coercion doesn’t work on Australia

by News Desk September 6, 2021
Chinese coercion doesn't work on Australia

China after initiating a trade war against Australia last year is now reeling over the decision as it has backfired.

In a bid to crush the Australian economy and “punish” Australia for supporting an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

China tried all it could to blackmail Australia into surrendering, but little did China know that Australia is no corrupt Third World country whose political and economic structure is hijacked by China.

Other countries as The Conservative expected came in to help Australia, and filled most of the $4bn gap left by China in the first half of 2021.

China is thirsty for Australian blood

Australian farmers reported millions in losses last year after China abruptly stopped imports in order to teach Australia a lesson.

Large chunks of their products that could have fed a large population went to waste.

China stopped all imports on Australian barley, lobster, wine, beef, timber, etc. Threatening over $15 billion in losses to Australian exports.

The Chinese relied on one calculation that had its risks as well as benefits.

The odds favored against the benefits as the massive Chinese population couldn’t live without the imported food staples.

The calculation, if it magically worked would have had Australia dump its sovereignty and surrender to the Chinese.

If failed (which it did), China would need to find new long-term alternatives for the essential goods to meet the demand.

China which is still Australia’s biggest trade partner is slowly cutting down more on its 43% of imports from the country.

In a bid to further destabilize the Australian economy and to make a last-ditch effort to get Australia on its knees, the Chinese are expected to stop more imports from the country which will expose their coercive mindset further.

It tried to exploit the trade relationship with its malintent to destabilize the Australian economy and further aggression is expected, but Australia has shown that it might be ready.

In 2020, a dossier was handed out to the Australian media by the Chinese embassy in Canberra, listing 14 disputes.

In it, the Chinese demanded Australia to backtrack from key issues ranging from human-rights violations in Xinjiang to unbanning Chinese spyware Huawei.

Or face the consequences.

The World has slowly realized how Chinese exploitation works. They become your biggest trading partners, or inject loans that every developing country would love.

Then, they expect you to be “friendly,” or in other words keep eyes closed on everything they do or suffer the consequences.

As one Chinese official once said, if you make China angry, “China will be the enemy.”

“China is angry. If you make China the enemy, China will be the enemy,” said a Chinese government official to a reporter in the Australian capital last year.

China gambled and tried to turn its trade relationship with Australia into a neocolonialist relationship, but failed.

However, it has succeeded with this strategy in Africa and other poorer countries desperate for outside help and “investments.”

Chinese investors inject more money into these countries than their entire economies and then go on to control the entire political and economic landscape while extracting all the mineral wealth, resources, etc.

Australia’s trade rose with the rest of the World by over $3.2bn in the first half of 2021.

This increase has foiled China’s entire Australian strategy and now, all is not well in Beijing as the CCP is busy cracking down on various sectors to divert attention from its struggling economy and to make the common man happy.

Australia’s Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has also exposed China’s attempt to destabilize the Australian economy for political reasons.

He has warned of new trade tensions with the Chinese and also highlighted how well industries affected by Chinese coercion are doing.

Adding that Australian industries have proven they can find new markets outside of China, but also warned to prepare for new threats from the Chinese.

As China tries to go authoritarian on the World, it is terribly failing to realize it isn’t facing the Chinese people but the people of the free World.