Far-Left wants Federal Reserve chief changed
A radical group of Progressives has urged President Biden to avoid reappointing Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Chair in 2022.
In a pressure tactic to get a Progressive chief to head the central bank, the group led by none other than Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez “urges” President Biden not to reappoint Powell.
The lawmakers have accused Powell, appointed by President Trump in 2018 of not doing enough to combat climate change.
“Under his leadership the Federal Reserve has taken very little action to mitigate the risk climate change poses to our financial system,” the statement by the lawmakers said.
The group of lawmakers that consists of “Reps. AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, García & Jones,” wants Biden to “reimagine” a Federal Reserve that is “focused on eliminating climate risk and advancing racial and economic justice.”
A Progressive chair would end all roadblocks for Representatives like AOC who are wishing to turn the US’ economical structure upside down because their “yes sir” colleagues think their ideas would work.
There is a lot of speculation going on that is suggesting President Biden may reappoint the Chair, considering his performance satisfactory at a time when the Pandemic has challenged the entire World.
Powell has been praised by economists for his quick support to economy during the Pandemic which according to them saved the US from going into an economic depression.
Even the Progressives who want him replaced praised his actions for making “positive changes to [the Federal Reserve’s] approach to full employment.”
“While the Federal Reserve has made positive changes to its approach to full employment reflected in the new monetary policy framework, our concerns with Chair Powell’s track record are two-fold,” the statement added.
But the group is yet again bringing politics where it does not belong, failing to understand that they are not economists and don’t have an inch of experience in the field.
A field so complex, where one decision that sounds good could destroy the economy, if not instantly but ten years later.
If President Biden concedes here then we might see a Radical-Left Chair who makes vast changes so quickly that it propels the entire economy to the ground by ending all livelihoods in industries the Far-Left wants eliminated.
Concerns have always been raised over such “feel good” decisions. If the US does manage to eliminate all those industries, then what about the rest of the World? They’d still continue and climate change would continue as well.
What would the Radical-Left want then? Declare war on the entire World? They won’t listen to your protests.
Green energy has entire forests cleared to make way for windmills, it is for the greater good they say. Do “less bad” than “more bad” for the greater good.
The Democrats have been taken hostage by this group and their ideology. This group acts prophetic and must have whatever it wants and preaches.
The moderates in the Party have kept quiet for years but it is time to finally wake up and speak before it is too late.
Combating climate change sounds very good but those who want to combat it have to do it slowly, gradually in about or over a hundred years. When new industries take over and people in industries that are being targeted today don’t lose their livelihoods.
Hastening the process would be catastrophic, and haste in the wrong place is something the Far-Left is known for.
The tire is stuck in the mud and they accelerate in order to get it out, only to send it further inside.