
MS-13 members charged in Los Angeles murders

by News Desk August 28, 2021
MS-13 members charged in Los Angeles murders
Laredo Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Gang Member, Human smuggling, August 28, 2019

MS-13 gang members have been charged with a string of brutal murders in Los Angeles.

This has been going on for a long time, and now Los Angeles like most of Southern California is facing the wrath of the migrants who enter illegally or are caught and released on US soil.

Various areas in Los Angeles have become shadow strongholds of the MS-13 gang that recruits migrants from Mexico and the rest of Central America. These illegals and criminals run drug rackets and at night assault women while also running prostitution ring.

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From machete killings, to drug trafficking, to target killings, to violent rapes and murders, to extortion, etc. MS-13 gang members have done it all and it has been over 40 years since their inception. They are always looking for new members. Members who cross over from the other side of the border, members who have grown up in neighborhoods controlled by gangs and filled with violence, members who arrive at the Southern border and claim to have run away from the Cartels, members who claim the Cartels would kill them if they go back.

“Mara Salvatrucha [MS-13] was formed in Los Angeles in the mid-1980s, and the street gang is now comprised of tens of thousands of individuals in at least 10 states and several Central American countries, notably El Salvador. In the mid-1990s, Mara Salvatrucha [MS-13] became associated with the Mexican Mafia and added the number 13 to its name (“M” is the 13th letter of the alphabet). To become a new member of a Mexican Mafia-affiliated gang, an individual underwent a 13-second beating by other members of the gang,” said a press release by the DOJ.

Over 30 members have been indicted after 4 more arrests were made earlier this week and 9 new defendants were added to the list along with 4 unsolved murders.

“The 18-count Third Superseding Indictment, which was unsealed following the arrests of four defendants this week, alleges that members and associates of MS-13 murdered 11 people, five of whom were hacked to death with machetes or knives in the Angeles National Forest. The indictment, which was filed on August 5, adds nine defendants to the previous version of the indictment and nearly doubles the number of charged murders,” the press release added.

The Department of Justice has acknowledged that the increase of violence is due to the influx of migrants, and yet promises are made to let everyone in without proper background checks.

“This case focuses on MS-13 Los Angeles’ Fulton clique, a particularly violent subset of MS-13 that operates in the San Fernando Valley and has been bolstered by an influx of young immigrants from Central America,” the press release further said.

The nine additional suspects were charged for a long list of murders, nearly doubling the count of the murders and their victims.

Six of the victims named in the indictment were shot to death, while five were either killed with machetes or knives. The victims were killed to increase the control and dominance of the gang and to have people in the surrounding areas know of their presence so that they can extort money. The murders were also done to get the gang’s membership, a section of it requires the applicant to kill someone if they want entry.

The remaining 21 were charged with planning to violate the RICO act and had committed over 300 crimes ranging from drug trafficking, extortions and murder.

“The 111-page Third Superseding Indictment names 31 defendants, 21 of whom are charged with conspiring to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The RICO charge alleges nearly 300 “overt acts,” including acts involving murder, drug trafficking and extortion,” it added.

This new indictment also charges for an additional murder occurring in January 2019, of a man who was shot in a remote area near Santa Clarita. His body was discovered 10 months later after the Tick fire wiped the area, making the body visible.

“In addition to murders previously charged in this case – including one in which the victim was dismembered – the new indictment charges the January 2019 murder of a man who was fatally shot in a remote area near Santa Clarita and whose remains were not recovered until the Tick Fire burned the area 10 months later,” said the press release.

It isn’t new for illegal immigrants to do this. Throughout the United States, migrants who have bypassed the system by entering illegally have committed crimes, and have committed the worst of them. The system is there for this very reason, to weed out the wolves trying to get in through with the sheep, and then do what they are known for and have learned since childhood.

The problem plaguing this issue has always been politics. For political gain and to appease that one segment of society that is unaware of the facts and dangers illegal entries give birth to, politicians make these absurd claims of letting everyone in and have open borders.

They fool people into believing that the World is as innocent as they are and the people wanting to come into the US are in need of help – We wish that was wholly true! As the World is not innocent and it is full of people trying to exploit others for their own gain.

Unfortunately, politicians and people who come in support of illegal immigrants use the racism card. They mix facts of the illegals committing crimes with racism in order to better their public image by saying something popular.

Recommended: The anatomy of the migrants behind the crisis

Saying illegal immigrants commit crimes is not racist. It’s a fact. Not all of them commit crimes, some are indeed innocent but the problem is that they are trying to bypass the system, and we can never know who is innocent and who is not without the system that’s in place to curb this very danger.

Without a proper system and proper background checks we can never guarantee safety for ourselves and other migrants wanting to get in. Why won’t the criminals pretend to be innocent? The criminals would easily blend in with the rest, look innocent so that they could get through.

The World sadly, is a harsh place. There is always someone trying to exploit the system and exploit others. Americans who truly believe in open borders are not crazy, they are innocent. They think in a way that has them see all the people at the border being as innocent as they themselves are.

The cartels however, have always been ten steps ahead. They exploited this way of thinking and for years (if not decades) have told migrants not to take documents with them on their journey so that their odds for a release on US soil increase, and when they are released on US soil until their documents are collected from their embassy, the migrants vanish until are again caught by ICE.

What types of jobs can the illegal immigrants get? Some would obviously work hard even if they enter illegally, but some would join gangs as it’s the type of “work” they have done their entire lives and are professionals in.

If a child grows up in a neighborhood run by Cartels, drug traffickers, human traffickers and sex traffickers, etc. What would that child learn? What will the child do in his teenage years? What set of skills will he learn? How will his brain be configured?

The answer is in front of us. We must lock our emotions and do the sensible thing. It isn’t about a party or politics, it isn’t about race. It’s about our collective safety.