
Cuomo Sex Harassment: Time’s Up CEO resigns

Cuomo Sex Harassment – The CEO of women’s rights organization Time’s Up, has resigned following the backlash received due to her connection in former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo‘s sexual harassment scandal.

“Spent a career fighting for positive change for women,” but she was no longer the right person to lead the organization that came into being as a result of the #MeToo movement, Time’s Up’s CEO, Tina Tchen, told in a statement.

“Now is the time for Time’s Up to evolve and move forward as there is so much more work to do for women. It is clear that I am not the leader who can accomplish that in this moment,” she said in a tweet.

The resignation comes a day after The Washington Post reported she had discouraged her colleagues at Time’s Up for making any public comments in support of Cuomo’s first accuser, Lindsey Boylan.

Earlier this month, Time’s Up board’s co-chairman, Roberta Kaplan, resigned as well after the revelations in the New York Attorney General’s report showed her involvement in reviewing an alleged op-ed sent by one of Cuomo’s closest aides Melissa DeRosa against Cuomo’s first accuser Lindsey Boylan. The alleged op-ed was to smear Boylan’s character and included her personal files.

In the report, we could also see Tchen in the alleged correspondence that included the op-ed and Tchen is accused of also having a part in reviewing the unpublished op-ed that would have smeared Boylan’s character.

The entire Cuomo scandal shows how powerful women also have a part in taking victims down or silencing them just for their personal, corporate or political gains.