
Afghanistan: Taliban want Turkey’s help to run Kabul airport – Turkish officials

by News Desk August 25, 2021

Earlier today, Turkey announced it has started withdrawing troops after weeks of Turkish efforts to remain in Kabul failed and the Taliban insisted Turkish forces exit Afghanistan.

Now, some Turkish officials have alleged the Taliban have asked them to help run operations at the Kabul airport but also insist Turkey must withdraw its military.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, months ahead of the withdrawal showed interest to keep Turkish forces at the Kabul airport to run the operations smoothly and guaranteeing the embassy staff of all countries can stay inside Afghanistan after the US and NATO troops withdraw.

Taliban had since refused to accept such a move and Turkey then tried all it could to convince the Taliban to an agreement. They even got help from neighboring Pakistan that has the ability to influence the Taliban but led to no avail. Turkey has insisted to keep the dialogue active and if they do manage to run operations without a military presence then this may be a major win for the international community and also for the Taliban who may see countries recognizing their rule.