
House approves Biden’s $3.5tn budget plan

by News Desk August 24, 2021

Tuesday – The House of Representatives approved a budget structure that will allow Democrats to spend approx. $3.5tn on Biden’s hallmark agenda product.

The vote comes after a lengthy set of negotiations within the Democratic party, after the centrists demanded the $1.2tn infrastructure bill be moved as well. The Democratic party that has been held hostage by the far-left progressives is slowly drawing the ire of its moderates who since a long time have kept quiet and allowed the crybaby, loudest voices rule.

In the end a midground was formed and Speaker Nancy Pelosi somehow managed to get control over her party, at least for the time being. Both the budget deal and the bipartisan $1.2tn infrastructure bill were voted to be moved, Nancy Pelosi used a procedural maneuver that approved the budget resolution without the need of a separate vote, while also paving the way forward for the bipartisan infrastructure bill to be taken up on September 27.

No Republicans supported the resolution and it was passed by the House of Representatives 220 to 212. However, the Senate had formidably passed the bipartisan $1tn infrastructure bill with 69 votes to 30.

The deadlock inside the Democratic party led to the top leadership come in and mediate. The far-left progressives wanted more spending with high taxes on the rich, while the moderates wanted the infrastructure bill passed first. House speaker Pelosi hopes to get both items passed by the end of September, but even with a majority the Democrats aren’t happy with each other. The usually quiet moderates are now voicing their opinion, hitting right where the progressives are hurt most, learning they don’t have full control over the party yet.