
Cuba Protests: Fresh sanctions imposed

by News Desk August 1, 2021

President Biden vows to impose new sanctions against Cuba after meeting with the Cuban-American leaders who called on him to support the protests. Sanctions are imposed on the Cuban police forces for their strong response to the protests taking place all across Cuba.

The peaceful protestors were targeted in a crackdown that resulted in the capture and detention of over a 100 protestors who are now uncertain of their future under the Communist regime of Diaz-Canel. President Biden has promised more sanctions if the situation does not ‘drastically change’ in Cuba, he made the comments after meeting the Cuban-American leaders at the White House on Friday.

Sanctions were already in place on Cuba’s Defense Ministry and Special Forces who had targeted the protestors and allegedly abused basic human rights. President Biden is under pressure for the softened stance the Democratic Party has had on the Communist regime in Cuba, many are accusing him of not caring for Cubans and their family members in the US because the Cuban-Americans are strong Republican supporters. Some are seeing President Biden’s sudden changed stance on Cuba after the protests a bid to garner support from Cuban-Americans for the midterms and next Presidential elections.

Whatever the case, the current Administration has failed to stop the Cuban regime from detaining hundreds and commit gross human rights violations on innocent people who were protesting for a better life amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. The rise in COVID cases and food shortages are a major factor behind the protests that were last seen 30 years ago, such food shortages have always been a common occurrence in Communist countries, when the economy drops or an unforeseen disaster occurs the entire supply chain hits rock-bottom and everything breaks apart.

Apart from the COVID cases and food shortages, Cubans have been deprived of the internet since July 11 and are facing the worst electricity blackouts last experienced in the 90s. The country has no money to import food and basic necessities and the Cuban President has labelled the protests as propaganda and has outright denied their existence.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already shown his desire to send internet balloons to Cuba so that the people can further expose the regime and call for help. Many are worried over their health and alleged human rights abuses being carried out in secret.