China is thirsty for Australian blood

Australia, the country that feeds over 60 million people worldwide is in a trade-war with China, its biggest trading partner that is now thirsty not for Australian agriculture but for Australian blood.
Why is that? Because Australia dared to support an independent inquiry into the origins of the Wuhan virus aka COVID-19.
China has stopped all imports on Australian barley, lobster, wine, beef, timber, etc. Threatening over 15 billion dollars in losses to Australian exports.
Australian farmers have reported millions in losses and large chunks of their products that could have fed a large population going to waste.
In recent months, China has started acting like it governs Australia and releases statements against anything Australia says from the human rights violations happening in Xinjiang to the Hong Kong issue, etc.
It also threatened Australia directly and accused the current Australian government for “poisoning bilateral relations,” getting in the way of Victoria’s Belt and Road deal with China, while blaming the federal government for the reports released by the independent Australian media.
China wants Australia to control and censor their media to make everything the way China wants it to look, the Chinese think they own Australia like they own mainland China and are trying control Australia like Hong Kong and Taiwan.
“China is angry. If you make China the enemy, China will be the enemy,” said a Chinese government official to a reporter in the Australian capital last year.
In 2020, a dossier listing 14 disputes was handed out to the Australian media by the Chinese embassy in Canberra and it demanded Australia to just keep quiet and not say a word about China’s human-rights violations in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and to reverse its stance on the inquiry into the origin of the Wuhan virus while letting the state-sponsored Chinese “journalists” stay inside Australia, unbanning Chinese hardware-based spyware Huawei from installing 5G towers in Australia and also on the blockade of the Chinese foreign investment traps in Australia.
Australia after experiencing these vicious attacks, still hasn’t backed off from its criticism of China on the aforementioned violations and is still going strong, but it needs help as China wants the current Australian government to collapse and is purposely targeting its economy.
With China being Australia’s biggest trade partner, taking 40% of its exports, it is well aware of the advantage it has on Australia. The only way to stop the Chinese blackmail and harassment of Australia is if the US, Europe and the rest of Asia step in and fill the gap left by the Chinese.
Stop those products from going to waste thus helping the Australian economy and taking China on the backfoot. China knows it has gambled and is secretly wishing and lobbying in other Asian countries against taking Australian products, it knows if Australia manages to sell those products to other partners then China would end up being the real loser as it will then need to come to the table or start finding a substitute for the imports in their required sectors.
China built its economy by gaining the World’s trust, reverse-engineering and then launching strings of state-sponsored companies to release knock-offs (of extremely low quality) and at a cheaper price to destroy all competition and ruin entire global industries to feed its giant population.
A few decades ago, China was the good guy keen on getting work from you, manufacturing the OEMs’ ideas after signing contract manufacturing deals that would have them lawfully manufacture products like any other company that has work outsourced to, but China had a trick up its sleeve as unlike other contract manufacturers China started stealing the ideas and tech, it leaked the patents to its state-sponsored companies that reverse-engineered everything like fire and placed its own footprint in the industry that China had no direct contribution in.
Chinese companies promised to do your work like any other company in any other country but what they did was leak your blueprints and steal your tech, launch hundreds of companies releasing what you are about to release or have released and then destroying your market as their knock-off would be cheaper.
If Apple or Samsung release or are about to release their new phones, then we would see dozens of Chinese companies do the same but they will also place a cheaper price tag on the knock-off.
The specs would be similar or better but not long-lasting and the markets will be flooded with the cheap phones made by unknown companies that look like an Apple or Samsung product, but aren’t. The unknown companies would then become industry giants thanks to their cheap phones made out of stolen tech and ideas.
The electronics equipment would look exactly like that of what Apple, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, etc., produced and would have no originality.
With dozens of such phones spreading throughout Asian and African markets, the marketplace for major electronics companies that actually invent and do all the work was slowly occupied.
This is the tactic China has used since its inception, it is how China managed to steal an entire industry and then blackmail the World.
It has now gone so bad that China now sponsors its citizens to go to Africa and setup plants and factories there because “there is a lot of competition in China” where people are heard saying “If you open a dragon fruit stall in China today, you will see one hundred dragon fruit stalls tomorrow, so doing business there is no good,” those willing to move overseas are precious to China, as they can be given endless amounts of cash to easily influence entire elections in the 3rd World countries and occupy the entire political system.
No one in such countries has the guts to say no to their “investor,” they are well aware of it being a debt and investment trap but they have no choice as they are either corrupt or wish the well-being of their people.
Whoever in these countries goes against China is told that China did not like it and would suspend all of its investments, telling its businesses to move out.
This is a crucial threat that China makes and it works as the African countries unfortunately have to abide by what the Chinese say as once China leaves then they have to repay the debts while are also left with no economy.
China goes to these countries with a smile telling them it is there to bring prosperity but all it wants is to extract all the raw material and create monopolies in all the relevant industries of the country which in the end make the natives do all the work who get little to no money while the Chinese live a lavish lifestyle in their special gated communities behind huge walls guarded 24/7 by armed militias.
The Chinese foreign investment companies become the real government in the shadows and the common man just helplessly watches his land get leeched out of its precious raw materials.
If Facebook is banned in China then who are these pages for?
China is also busy trying the same trick with Australia but it tried a bit too early and Australia is no 3rd World country.
However, we might have seen a very different case if China had more control over Australia’s economy and if it was a 3rd World country marred by corruption and was desperate for an “angel’s” help. It would then have surely fallen into China’s Investment Traps.
Now that the World has realized how China has been exploiting and stealing from everyone to perfect itself, China has got defensive and whether you are an investigative journalist doing your work or a sovereign nation, if you go against China then “China will be the enemy” and will want you to bleed.
Australia supports an independent inquiry into the origin of COVID-19 and it is worried about the human-rights violations taking place in Xinjiang where over a million Muslims have been detained in “Vocational Education and Training Centers,” it also supports the rights of those living in Hong Kong and Taiwan where China wants to forcefully govern them and take away all of their rights.
China having unfinished business in Hong Kong and Taiwan has made it a matter of its ego and nationalism where it doesn’t care about the human-rights and all it wants to do is make a “complete China” like Mao wanted.
Since the late 90s the Muslims of Xinjiang have being forcefully relocated to internment camps and also in other regions so that Xinjiang loses its Uyghur majority.
They are seen as a threat by China because of the different life-style they hold, their language being close to Turkish is also seen as a threat which is why they are placed in camps so that they can be “re-educated,” the Uyghurs feel more connected to the Central Asian countries which straightaway goes against China’s vision of “cultural harmony.”
The Uyghurs also eat halal meat and dress differently, their cuisine is starkly different from the rest of China. This too is seen as a threat as China wants a “harmonized” system where everyone follows what the CCP tells.
China strongly believes all Chinese should follow government authorized festivals so that their “cultural harmony” stays intact in line with China’s “vision.”
The Muslims of Xinjiang are told to make a small sacrifice for the benefit of everyone and those who agree are peacefully relocated to other regions so that the demography of Xinjiang changes to a multiethnic region with no clear majority.
Those who resist the call for relocation are punished by the Chinese military that has settled there indefinitely. The Uyghur festivals and sports are discouraged and are now mainly banned with China sponsoring festivals and sports that bring in “cultural harmony.”
The World has raised concerns against the violence happening in Xinjiang, and so has Australia. China has denounced the pleas and China wants to teach Australia a lesson for going against their “biggest trade partner.” For China, everything is business and it has no shame in twisting anything to get what it wants from its “friend” or foe.
The “Five Eyes” an intelligence alliance has come together to keep tabs on China’s moves and to defend all alliance members.
China recently, has made a lot of enemies and even its once called friends are also realizing how China has been exploiting everyone for its one-sided gains.
The Chinese have always had a passive aggressive stance and the World has finally caught the bluff. China wants Australia to bleed and the World has to step-in.